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3 Stacks

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Everything posted by 3 Stacks

  1. Asensio is 23, hence he's not eligible to be a young stud. I'm glad that even though you had quit the forum, you still lurked enough to be aware of my legendary article, but be aware of the rules so that you don't look misinformed like you do right now.
  2. Must honestly be a very difficult club to support. Most seasons become dead rubbers around this time of year even though it seems the expectations are always bizarrely quite high. Makes for a very bi-polar fan base. Half of them act like the club leaves them depressed while the other half think they are this great institution and sleeping giant. Very interesting to observe.
  3. Yikes. Turning on the money man now. And only a month ago...
  4. Maldini is even, even worse. If that cunt hadn't been handsome, no one would've even heard of him.
  5. Hopefully they will be more ethical and respectful in their search for their next manager.
  6. Is there anyone more cringe than Johnathan Pierce? His little opening monologue just then made me sick to my stomach.
  7. He's had a bizarre season. At an age when he should be confirming that he's a future world class player, he's been absolutely terrible and plays less. I doubt Madrid will give up on him, but it's an interesting situation. That said, I agree that he'd be a better fit than Isco.
  8. United have been freakishly good on the counter under Solskjaer. It seems like they literally score from every chance.
  9. False. You negged me because I make you mad on the internet. I get it, most people can't stand me being right all the time.
  10. He's spent virtually nothing compared to the other big clubs and is still competing with them near the top every season. Asinine to say he needs to win something at a club like Tottenham. What he needs to do is go to a bigger club.
  11. It would be my first. I may even end my reign of dominance over this forum and stop posting if we win. Go out on top.
  12. @Tony Moanero you've basically just inadvertently negged yourself. I'm saying I'll basically turn into you and not watch the matches anymore because I won't feel anything anymore. This happened to me when I was younger when the Indianapolis Colts won the Super Bowl after choking for an entire decade. Basically stopped watching because I couldn't get the buzz after they won.
  13. Once we win the league, supporting LFC will lose some of its excitement and luster. The highs after won't be as thrilling and lows won't be as crushing and I'll miss that.
  14. Coutinho's just had an atrocious game in the Copa Del Rey. Not that they're usually patient but Barca fans already think he's useless.
  15. Post some choice morsels from the "Echo fears of witch-hunt against Liverpool FC" thread, please.
  16. The criteria is would I be turned on if I saw him fucking my girl, not if I would fuck him. It's simple, get it right.
  17. Momo Bouhafsi is reporting it so probably true. Also, Balotelli is signing for Marseille, which is gonna be an electric situation.
  18. Yeah, he looks like our next big sale that will have people scratching their heads.
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