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Everything posted by dylstar

  1. Klavan - 'I don't fear Sergio Aguero' Guaranteed hat-trick tomorrow then.
  2. A tribute to our Mickey Mouse treble season of 2001 under Houllier.
  3. http://www.liverpoolway.co.uk/index.php?/topic/40546-funny-pics-that-arent-worth-starting-a-thread-for/page-454 Found the W .
  4. Wonder if we will get a card and some balloons from across the park .
  5. Arsenal readying themselves for a bid of 40Million +£1 then.
  6. Thought that Lowton had a good game for them. No wonder Flanno ain't getting a sniff. Somebody is gonna score long range against them with that keeper taking free kicks so far out; mark my words. Shame Alonso wasn't still playing for us.
  7. Wonder how much money did Barton have on his own yellow card with BetFred ?
  8. Tom Heaton? They could of played no one in goal and we still wouldn't of scored.
  9. He couldn't score against the Men Of Harlech either as they deployed 2 lines of 5 and then retreated.
  10. When the Chips are down sack Wenger?
  11. What time are the Salford cunts on tonight so I can take my Goldfish out for a walk.
  12. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Ooh%E2%80%A6+You+Are+Awful&client=ms-android-samsung&sa=X&source=android-browser&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MCqzNDFSAjMzDA1zcrSEHJNL8otC8kPCHPNSfPPLMlOLAeKAWwEsAAAA&prmd=vin&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&fir=M93nYX2U8N9Y9M%253A%252C7Ac7YPlE9V7afM%252C%252Fm%252F0h11ll%253Bt40Ado-9zMj1jM%253A%252CI9dg-XslHHslcM%252C_%253BAjy9Jx6mtd8VYM%253A%252CrsVxoCFW8t8N7M%252C_%253BlbBN0IZT48a89M%253A%252C-nEZTq7W_JKweM%252C_%253BCd5nmnJ7STxUAM%253A%252CAdgpbVeLeREHLM%252C_%253Bb4hzvGHvGVdljM%253A%252CJlOuEtjjaBY5tM%252C_%253BEs_XJKUrE8VyBM%253A%252C8-wyebzcgYb9zM%252C_%253B06dP7wX5kvAKQM%253A%252Cyg9N8mSjEHTyKM%252C_%253BRq-9vdl9iimpRM%253A%252CV9mF4X93IHWMOM%252C_%253BruYqFZBe43P23M%253A%252C1pfZluZ2x-QvkM%252C_%253BamM6eOXc_WZJoM%253A%252Caaa_POBQG2ssoM%252C_&usg=__T0fhnqjY6sYHraPKJ-KjgcN05FA%3D&ved=0ahUKEwiww6Ti9sfSAhXILMAKHZt4CxUQ420ImAE&biw=360&bih=511#imgrc=Es_XJKUrE8VyBM:
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clipartbest.com%2Fcliparts%2FRcA%2FAp5%2FRcAAp5e7i.gif&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clipartbest.com%2Fwhite-flag-gif&docid=JJUq-TmcWkNssM&tbnid=A5bkTMu4G9o2uM%3A&vet=1&w=1016&h=1016&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=615&biw=360&q=picture%20of%20white%20flag%20surrender&ved=0ahUKEwih8NvLpcXSAhVEKcAKHWqtAjk4ZBAzCDUoMzAz&iact=mrc&uact=8
  14. This might have something to do with last wkends poor officiating : Scrutiny on referees increases as Anthony Taylor and Kevin Friend perform poorly days after MARBELLA STAG DO.
  15. Think Mertens was better https://youtu.be/weZjL39ee_4
  16. In more than 50 years the Reds have lost once to Burnley in 12 Anfield league meetings. That came in September 1974 when Ian Brennan scored the only goal of the game. Expect Tyler to mention that a few times on Sunday .
  17. Their team getting a dicking and no train home; Arsenal FanTV should be entertaining on Sat night.
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