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Everything posted by skend04

  1. http://www.retailgadgets.co.uk/Android-TV-Box/?gclid=Cj0KEQjw8u23BRCg6YnzmJmPqYgBEiQALf_XzR9k8ggwqlnMPD77woxOXWjiNnjipyE6OGA0PnIJrF8aAnDI8P8HAQ I've bought it previously from these guys. Work a treat and appears they've got a decent range at the minute.
  2. A massive drop off in audiences as the weekend went on apparently. Early estimates reckon up to 40%.
  3. Must be something about her? Good BJ technique perhaps.
  4. Maybe you need to be putting spoilers on your post? Most won't have read the comics...
  5. Not terrorist related. He wants to speak to his estranged wife.
  6. Not a school shooting but when it's a white guy shooting shit in America it's a criminal act... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35911754
  7. No way. They might start shouting 'Khafir' and chuck me off the roof. I'm not built to fly.
  8. Just looking out of my front window. The Pakistani family across the road have got solar panels on their roof. No gays as yet. None on the drive below either. I'll keep them peeled though as it'll happen.
  9. Haha, that's pretty close to the mark. I've been redesigning bathrooms to meet dementia standards in old people's homes and that colour pallete is what I have to use.
  10. Go on, I'll entertain it. Where's the verse that says "strap a bomb to yourself lad, and kill those pesky kids"? You'll be able to reel it off pretty easily having read it.
  11. Ah you meant today, and not generally for fascist white men...
  12. And it's an issue that needs to stop but in most instances it happens because the people are poorly educated and in need of money. Where children stay in education longer incidents of child marriage drop. It isn't purely down to religion, which you infer. Heck, even Spain, up until recent years allowed child marriage. In the late 90s/early 2000s the numbers were in the high thousands. It's not just a religious issue.
  13. Playing on words here. Jewish marriage age, not in Israel. If you you're trying that on then the age of marriage in Afghanistan and Pakistan is 18 for men and 16 for women. Iraq and Iran it's 18 and 15, which isn't dissimilar to some EU countries.
  14. Just been checking, I've got 100 times more chance of banging a supermodel than getting killed by a terrorist. The way some are talking, I better dust off the Old Spice, cause sooner or later I'll be getting my end away (hopefully with that Emily Rat-whatsherface!)
  15. Stronts turns a blind eye as it double figures...
  16. The people in charge of the DC movies simply have no idea.
  17. Daredevil 2...improved on the first season by a wee way. 8.9/10
  18. I've got al-baghdadi in my Dead Pool list. These fuckers need to up their game and get him.
  19. That's some fucked up real life Final Destination.
  20. 3 beers and my eyes start doing a funny dance. It doesn't really get much worse then that but I'm not one for constantly drinking and will usually stop at my 7th or 8th drink.
  21. 22 people killed in a mosque in Nigeria on Thursday by suicide bombers. Now, surely if the suicide bombers represent Islam they wouldn't have targeted a place of worship or am I missing some other point? Is it now considered Islamic to blow up a mosque? I'm getting confused because of what What_What, Naz and Rico have been saying.
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