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Everything posted by PestiRed

  1. I’ve repped this post but at the same time, I hate you
  2. Are toffee pops still around? Loved them as a kid although they are not a dunking biscuit
  3. I’d like a holiday home in Austria next to a lake surrounded by mountains. Not too high so that the lake is reasonably warm for swimming in the summer months - somewhere in Tyrol or Salzkammergut would be ideal. Rural Austrians seem like nice people to be around although I believe that some of their politics can be dodgy
  4. Shortly the grown-ups will arrive to vote and Metallica will be gone and forgotten
  5. I’d go with cinnamon. The apricot working class guy clearly has shit in his eyes (probably from working down a coal mine)
  6. It’s a lot easier when you don’t have to bake the cake yourself
  7. To be fair, this is the first time the Monkees have opposed a good band
  8. I’m not that convinced by RATM and I don’t know Steely Dan very well so I’ve voted on the songs posted. Not so much a vote for RATM but a definite vote against the utter shitness of that bland dad-pop bollocks. Apologies to Steely Dan fans if Stig has badly misrepresented them there
  9. Catholic Church have confirmed that his kid’s christening was on the weekend he supposedly sneaked off to Italy. Now they just have to convince us that 1) he gives a fuck about his kids and 2) he would attend the baptism of Zac Goldsmith’s baby
  10. Not my favourite as such but every year Hungary has a national cake that is served in every cafe. This year’s winner is quite nice Krisztián Füredi trained at the famous Gundel restaurant, and the main ingredients of his winning cake — almonds, hazelnuts and chocolate — were inspired by the Gundel Cake. However, he also added one of his favorite ingredients, quince, to it in three forms: jelly, compote and brandy.
  11. Is this Russian the violinist and another one?
  12. Winston Churchill has been reborn
  13. That thing will be lucky to survive one postal journey, never mind two. Give it to Turdseye
  14. Watched the episode early this morning. That’s the most angry I’ve seen him for a while, especially the closing monologue with the dig about the new BBC guy shutting down his type of comedy
  15. Would not be surprised if Pence stabs him in the back when he stops being useful. I presume Pence has some ambitions for the future
  16. How did his staff let him do a series of taped and unsupervised interviews with Bob Woodward? Particularly after he wrote the first scathing book about Trump?
  17. If one parent is foreign then you can have a waiver from the list. However if you are both second generation Hungarian but with strong ties to another country then you need to go through the approval process. This is why you’ll see many non-Hungarian names on the list such as Ahmed
  18. You could be Zebadias (pronounced zebedee-osh) in Hungary list of approved names for boys, browsing it is interesting and shows that approved name lists are not as restrictive as people think. In Hungary it serves two purposes. Firstly to preserve Hungarian spelling (Jessica is Dzsesszika) and secondly to prevent anything that might be considered abusive to the child. http://www.nytud.hu/oszt/nyelvmuvelo/utonevek/osszesffi.pdf
  19. I’m choosing to believe that he wants to ensure that immigrants receive adequate social distancing in the accommodation provided for them
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