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Everything posted by elvis

  1. redder lurtz in pram loses its dummy shocker! Negged for being a tool. Do you actually know me or anything substantial about me? No. So keep your opinions about me to yourself Its the internet you daft cunt! I'm not supposed to know anything substantial about you, Thanks for the "dickhead" neg although, it didnt outweigh the reppage i got for post 74 so hey ho ,as they say.
  2. Just fuckin great laughaminuterj becomes the voice of reason , whatever next? pfft.
  3. Dont you have a wedding to attend?
  4. What are you suggesting , 16 years plus two weeks thinking time? I think you think too much.
  5. I say go for it , although i can't for the life of me understand what an intelligent attractive(?) young female would ever see in a extreme right wing fascist goose-stepping, tory-boy such as yourself , especially as she is 17 years younger !
  6. The legends are playing this afternoon down the road from me, the question is are they worth watching and will it be worth £15 ?
  7. My mothers cousin played in the 1968 european cup final, for them Fuckers up the road. Neg away.
  8. Bad boy bubby ( again) absolute class aussie film 9.5/10 Juno , not bad 7/10 Grumpy old men , very funny 8.5/10
  9. Rash if you dont tell me quickly that you aren't really a telesales person, i shall be forced to smash my phone and deposit it in the bin . That goes for every phone in my street. Ido not wish to call sky and be met by you on the other end!
  10. Get gone , there might be some proper fit bridesmaids,but you'll never know if you dont go!
  11. I went to a wedding on friday , took £100 from cash point wondering if that would be enough what with the taxi and all. Turns out the free bar i thought was just for the day do , was to stretch the night do as well! The bride had some seriously fit rellies as well.
  12. 1 million £ inheritance tax , great which sector do you think will benefit from that Rash ? Climate change , the tories ? what , less cigars ? Family values and boris johnson in the same post? Erm mistress ring any bells ? Rashid , you selfish boy , the only people who prosper undet the tories are the wealthy or the upwardly mobile , i assume you come into the latter category.
  13. And what about the other 50 or 60million people in the country?
  14. True, but i am fairly certain of one thing , Tories by and large will never, ever give a flying fuck about your average working class person, they are taught by their seniors to hate everything to do with the working classes. Take a look at Boris Johnson, can you honestly take one look at that prick , and tell me is in touch with reality? I doubt it.
  15. But that would be extremely un tory-like stu, and besides, they are only in the running because joe public are blaming labour for the hike in fuel prices etc etc,like the whole world economy is due to labour mis-rule .
  16. Numbarse, dumbarse sticks stones Polls , so what, most people are fucking thick as im sure you of all people know.
  17. Unpopular with who ,you? Elvis dies of shock.
  18. Good post , the tories have never done anything for the working class, and never will Your wasting your time trying to convince Thatchers children though, they are just a bunch of spineless , chinless selfish cunts , with no thought for anybody but themselves.
  19. Last night was just your average "seriously strong chedder " by mcClellands ? I dont remember any life threatening nightmares that i endured, but hopefully something may "break my dream" as the day unfolds Funnily enough we are attending a wedding today , which might just trigger a nightmare without any late night cheese- munching. If not i just might try some locally made chedder with peppercorns perhaps that might do the trick.
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