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Bob last won the day on July 26

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About Bob

  • Birthday 05/06/1981

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  • Biography
    I'm now 30, and feel like far more than 4 ears has passed since I first wrote my bio
  • Interests
    Punk rock, photography, beans on breakfasts

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  1. The horse woman down the seine was great.
  2. Agree mate. GF is a miserable bunch at the best of times!
  3. It's been pissing down where we are just north of Paris since about 5. Thunder too more lately. Don't mind it to be honest. Bit of carbonara, a beer, and then opening ceremony on bbc iplayer.
  4. News from on the ground... It's been raining for the last hour and that's got in the way on our planned game of ping pong. And I could absolutely have a nap after a really lovely spot of late lunch an hour ago.
  5. The olympic flag was procured with this though 100% in mind. As wad my daughters france footie shirt. Surely we're now open minded people of the world who happen to be British, rather than anything else?
  6. Bob


    Just feasting on a hunk of "tradition" from the campsite shop when I saw this thread, so have a bit of it.
  7. I'm knackered mate. So very fucking tired. That's an apt gif you've included. Up at 4 wednesday to get some ladt work done. Picked my girl up from her mums then started getting the car packed. Set off from home at 12:30 got into our hotel at Dover at midnight due to being diverted through London and the Blackwall tunnel with the Dartford crossing closed. That included and hours total fucking about going into Doncaster to withdraw cash and euros when we realised my girl hadn't put my bank card back in my wallet after nipping to get us lunch before we left!! I'm confident I'll be able to pay with my phone but needed some back up money for peace of mind. Roads in france are ace. Basically no traffic at all from calais until about 20km outside Paris. Campsite is nice. Very welcome rain arrived to cool us just after getting the tent up. Darren from Sunderland over the way gave me an ice cold can of kronenboug while we toiled in the sun and I'll never forget that beer. Pizza last night was good. Dutch everywhere with their prettiness, athletic body shapes and orange. Which is great. Still work to do this morning but flags are up.
  8. The Taylor swift gig at anfield was belting for this. I went to get a drink between the support act and her coming on and there was a single queue for the bar snaking it's way down the upper concourse on the kop. That single queue then split to become 8 individuals stood getting served at the end. It was mental to see. The queue smelled a lot better than a match day though
  9. Where are they? Will defo keep an eye out.
  10. It was blonde. And it was fine.
  11. The world very well might, but we have to do the laying off but first, and we're not showing much sign of will there.
  12. They're activists. They're pushing for change. People want to hold these to a higher standard than you seem to want to hold the people in power and positions of influence, who continue to kick cans down the road as they have for decades before.
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