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Glen C

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Everything posted by Glen C

  1. The Times' football editor Tony Evans insists there is no chance of Louis Van Gaal and Andre Villes-Boas linking up at Liverpool Tony Evans: claims that the most likely managerial appointment at this moment is either Swansea boss BRodgers or Wigan manager R Martinez.
  2. I just think AVB will severely fuck it up. And it will annoy me seeing him on bended knee on the touchline all the time. Or asking the players the next time they score to come running to them to show unity crap.
  3. me too, who wouldn't. I just dont think either AVB or Martinez are the men that can do it. But unfortunately it seems we're gonna get lumbered with one of them and i just think AVB will be worse.
  4. He's meant to be at his peak right now remember. It's all downhill for him. Actually is it even possible for him to get any worse?
  5. Well i'm hoping so. Whether you like him or not the new guy will be here at least a year and the last thing he will need is people getting on his back from day 1. If fans can't be supporters and actually support the manager and the team then they can just f**k off as far as im concerned. Getting on the new guys case isn't going to help the team. I really hope they don't drag it into next week. The longer it gets the worse the reaction i reckon.
  6. I just want whoever it is appointed asap so we can unify and get behind the manager and focus on the new season. Our new man will have is idea on signings for the system he wants, so we need to start on that straight away. Whoever he is, if he puts downing on the transfer list he'll be a legend in my eyes already. I'm no fan of either but i prefer Martinez over AVB. I'd like to see how he could implement a 3-4-3 and just have a go at teams.
  7. The same villa board that wanted Martinez before both McLeish and Solskjaer you mean. You have nothing to base your point on at all.
  8. Good article and also explains why AVB would be a awful choice for us. I really really don't want AVB and don't understand why anyone would want him. He turned Chelsea into a shambles and his extreme high line system has so many flaws in it. He would be a backward step IMO.
  9. Almost as good as the one coates did against QPR ;-).
  10. Superb post, i'd rep you if i could. Admittidly i don't want Martinez here and would rather someone proven with european experience. But if he comes I will and would expect all liverpool fans to get behind him and give him the support that he would need.
  11. Apparently they are being advised by a Premiership manager. Its got to be the whiskey nosed cunt trying to fuck us over. Brendan Rogers and Martinez? Out of all the managers that's who they've picked for an interview? They don't even deserve an interview. Neither of them have European experience for starters.
  12. I hope its not AVB personally. He seemed pretty clueless at chelsea and didn't know how to get the best out of his players for whatever reason. Plus he had this bad habit of playing a ridiculously high line to the point where a simple ball over the top had chelsea all over the place. Di Matteo took over and did a lot better job with the same players. Wouldn't touch AVB with a barge pole. People keep talking about his success at Porto and completely ignore how shit he was at chelsea. Thanks but no thanks.
  13. He's a good up and coming manager but not good enough for us yet. Right now there's not so much expectation apart from staying in the premiership. But i like the way he has Wigan playing and seems to be good and discovering talent. I don't get Code's issue with him. Football is more than just stats. He's still on his learning curve as a manager and Wigan is the perfect place for him.
  14. well considering he turned it down last season i can't see him going back there this season when they're in even worse shape now.
  15. If Kenny keeps faith with those two then he deserves all the stick he will get. Get rid of them asap.
  16. Totally gutless and a waste of space. Yeah easily a worse signing than carroll. I'm praying that kenny sells him
  17. Especially steve bruce who's still in shock that we paid £20m for him. I've never rated him and didn't want him to come to the club in the first place. Saw him live when England played France in a friendly at the Emirates while he was still at sunderland and he looked totally out of his depth. Didn't understand the hype about him then and still don't. There's nothing about him that says he's going to be a good player.
  18. I love kenny and grateful for what he has done. But i don't want him as manager anymore. Poor signings, finishing level points with fulham, and doesn't seem tactically great. Not very good at changing a game at all. I don't see what he has done to earn another year.
  19. Can't stand downing. I get angry just seeing him in our red shirt.
  20. apparently he has potential. Potential to be shit.
  21. maybe they want him as a backup to lucas as spearing isn't good enough.
  22. Haven't really watched Wigan that much but i hear we're linked with Mohamed Diame on a free. What type of player is he, any good?
  23. French football journalist Julien Laurens claims Liverpool are in the "driving seat" to sign Younes Belhanda.
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