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Klopp: Mo remains incredibly committed to the club

Jurgen Klopp is confident that Mo Salah has put any outside noise regarding his future to one side and is fully focused on the season ahead with Liverpool.


Throughout the transfer window there have have rumblings that the Saudi Pro League were lining up a monster bid for the Egyptian and on deadline day it arrived,  understood to have been a initial £100m with extensive add-ons taking the fee up to £150m.


Naturally, Liverpool did not want to lose such a prized asset with the season just in its infancy, let alone the timing of the bid itself and dismissed it out of hand.


Salah is a player who just does not depend on natural talent, he is well known as being one of the most focused and diligent workers looking for areas to improve his game further.




Speaking ahead of Liverpool’s fixture against Aston Villa on Sunday, Klopp said that his mindset has not changed one bit as the Echo reported.


“From my point of view I see absolutely nothing (to worry about). Mo is super committed, really in training fully there, in the leadership meetings this week, he is fully in.


“I have to deal with facts, and my fact is ‘all good, we are here and everything is fine”


While the bid for Salah came very late in the day, this transfer window has seen a number of Liverpool players (eight in total) either linked to, or purchased by the Saudi League.


It has raised eyebrows regarding why the specific interest of players from one club in particular and whether it has anything to do with the injection of cash into the league from Newcastle United majority owners Public Investment Fund.


Klopp did not want to speculate and said that they are just focusing on their own business.


“I am not 100% sure if we know all of them who got approached because they (the Saudi Arabians) thought about pretty much everything," said the Reds boss. "That’s how it is.


“I have not a lot to say about it. We just sit here and do our thing and nothing has changed. We felt obviously the differences in prices but that’s not a Saudi thing, there are other clubs who pay a lot of money. Then all of a sudden it’s ‘wow, that’s the new price tag, that’s interesting’. That’s normal.


“Besides when Fab and Hendo left, we didn’t feel the real influence, although that obviously had a clear influence (on us). I really think we thought that was possible and we were fine with that."




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I think another big factor is how the Saudis treat women as second class citizens.Mo's wife has total freedom here to go and do what she wants,wear what she wants etc, and his young kids are settled, and let's face it,he's not short of a few bob here.simetimes money isn't the only thing to consider.

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2 hours ago, MOGLET said:

I think if they do come back with the £200M offer as being spouted by the various so called news people, we should take it, hes 31, cash in and move on.

Tell them to do one. If they really want him they’ll come back with even more, they can afford it. Everyone goes on about the Neymar fee which was about £190m, but that was six years ago and there’s been massive inflation in football transfer fees since then. If they’re that determined to get him at a time when we can’t get a replacement there should be a huge sweetener on offer to get it done. I reckon they would go to £225m, or even £250m at a push. 

I’d still prefer to keep Mo for another season though. 

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57 minutes ago, halewood pete said:

I think another big factor is how the Saudis treat women as second class citizens.Mo's wife has total freedom here to go and do what she wants,wear what she wants etc, and his young kids are settled, and let's face it,he's not short of a few bob here.simetimes money isn't the only thing to consider.

If you had any real understanding of the Middle East you would have had very different thoughts on this. The level of delusion caused by your media is huge.


I think Mo’s wife would be the biggest proponent of the move. She’d definitely feel more at home in Saudi Arabia than the UK. 

Anyway. Never mind. Keep believing the daily brainwash you get from your media.

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1 hour ago, Vincent Vega said:

Tell them to do one. If they really want him they’ll come back with even more, they can afford it. Everyone goes on about the Neymar fee which was about £190m, but that was six years ago and there’s been massive inflation in football transfer fees since then. If they’re that determined to get him at a time when we can’t get a replacement there should be a huge sweetener on offer to get it done. I reckon they would go to £225m, or even £250m at a push. 

I’d still prefer to keep Mo for another season though. 

If we are seriously looking for success on the pitch we should flat out reject all bids no matter what the amount is. We can still cash in next summer.

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2 hours ago, halewood pete said:

I think another big factor is how the Saudis treat women as second class citizens.Mo's wife has total freedom here to go and do what she wants,wear what she wants etc, and his young kids are settled, and let's face it,he's not short of a few bob here.simetimes money isn't the only thing to consider.


Might be an attraction...

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