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Everything posted by CapeRed

  1. Apologies u r correct Pelosi is nowhere near left. My point was badly made . What I meant was that power is abused by democrats and republicans often with the aid , so it seems, of the FBI/DoJ.
  2. Yep politicians across the globe are in it to profit themselves and use of the police FBI or equivalents in each country to help it along is not a rare occurrence.
  3. You mean the FBI who denied there was an issue with the laptop and one of whom admitted lying about Russia colluding with trump. Left and right in the US are all flawed. Check out the Pellosis while you are at it and all the other fuckers ,in congress and the senate , lining their pockets . From both parties.
  4. Standard of pro football her is pretty crap tbh
  5. As the panto dames all say…..Oh yes it does
  6. And the point is that you think a kid should be punished if he sees someone is clearly a boy and refuses to call him her? Fucking crazy.
  7. IMO If Nunez starts I can see Mo getting plenty of opportunities. With Bobby playing we really don’t give the cb’s too much to worry about and so they can tighten up on Mo. Nunez frees up Diaz and Mo. We desperately need a strong fast fielder who can contribute 6 to 10 goals.
  8. Yeah I heard he is out until after Qatar and we are exploring a potential loan signing which, if true, is a joke.
  9. True but it’s all for sale overseas. They are one of the biggest buyers of coal for energy.
  10. No fuckin way are they going to go green . A few years back I flew up to visit a mine in Zambia up near the border with DRC. They had stripped the country bare and then when it was done just fucked off to another African country.
  11. Just picked up the deer slater by James Fennemore Cooper purely because I watched Hawkeye as a kid. Going to read it on my next long flight.
  12. Aww fuck just started watching that and terminal list
  13. That Maradonna doc is excellent. Talk about a manager who fights for his team. I miss the wee fat fuck.
  14. Of course there are always worse examples but at the end of the day it comes down to you as a parent as to what you think is acceptable. For me there are always age limits when it comes down to what your kids see, read and listen to. These days I wouldn’t always rely on some of the knobheads in schools to do that for me.
  15. Don’t know about woke but something is not right when people are supporting the perpetrators of violence as opposed to the victim of the violence.
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