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Everything posted by Jenson

  1. I would imagine so. There's no way a vaccine could be produced in such a short space of time without hijacking on the backs of existing vaccines.
  2. I think it's also worth remembering that any vaccine will be built on existing technology already proven to be safe, and also probably already in use (ie. for the flu vaccine). IMO the 'safe' part of the vaccine is not really in question, it's more the effictiveness that needs to be proven.
  3. There was a bit of optimism from Anthony Fauci this morning on Marr about the beginning of a vaccine rollout for healthcare workers before Christmas (at least in the US).
  4. Just gone through the whole thread (for research purposes) and could only see one picture of Karen Gillan. What is the world coming to?!
  5. As shite as we've been, 3 deflected goals is a pisstake
  6. I use the ViewRanger app to find walks all over the country. It's really good.
  7. If that's the case there's going to be a big problem for the efficacy of any vaccine.
  8. I would think that's because the people driving the case rates at the moment are predominantly the under 30's, so the severity of disease in that cohort is not very high. It's when those infections start rising up the age groups that the hospitilisations/deaths may start to climb.
  9. You couldn't go in the Arena bar in town without running into at least one of them.
  10. Every single one of them a Trump voter.
  11. We may end up not signing him but this is all part of the negotiation.
  12. I don't know what has been said and I don't know on what basis a positive result is being given. All I can give is my opinion on real-time PCR as someone who uses it routinely.
  13. My work. It's what I do. Edit. Sorry, being a bit facetious there. I do actually do real-time PCR in my work. I can't imagine a Ct threshold over 30 being used as the basis for a positive result. My guess would be 20-25 cycles at the very most and I would think that you would be able to see the reaction 'take-off' a good number of cycles before that.
  14. Real-time PCR is not an end-point analysis. 45 cycles is used to take the reaction to it's plateau. The actual measurement of a positive test will be based on the threshold cycle or Ct when you actually see exponential amplification of the DNA (through increase in fluorescence mediated by the FAM probes added to the reaction).
  15. If Trump loses and refuses to accept the result, all hell will break loose. Civil war is defo on the cards in the major cities and Southern states in particular. The orange gibbon will probably end up nuking California.
  16. Eight schools in Liverpool have now reported positive cases of covid. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/hundreds-pupils-isolating-after-eight-18891505
  17. My boss lives on the Wirral and her husband, who is in his 80s, is currently ill with symptoms of covid. She phoned 119 to book a test and was told the nearest drive in centre available was in Nelson, Lancs, a good 65 miles away! This Government is farcical.
  18. The y-axis on that graph is a bit disingenuous. Compared to the peak the increase in hospitilisations from July is no where near as bad as it looks there.
  19. Really loved the 2003 League Cup final with the roof closed but nothing comes close to Arsenal in 2001.
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