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Everything posted by slimshady

  1. Dunno about anyone else, but I'm wottying. I find it an extremely pleasant way to pass an afternoon...
  2. She was was wearing dark lipstick for the 3pm broadcast, and by the 4pm one it had gone. She was looking a bit "overdone" before. I reckon they looked on Twitter and read all the remarks about her having a halloween mask on and took the lipstick off her in the break. She is also wearing some kind of space suit more suited to Thunderbirds than Sky Sports news. :whoops:
  3. Yesterday Georgie Thompson made some remark to him about him having "put a ring on it" and proposed to his girlfriend. He replied that yes, indeed he had got engaged.
  4. Not matter(face) whether she is married or who she is married to she is still miles ahead of the rest.
  5. Look at the arse on that. And Georgies. Do you think Millie and Georgie share the same dog?
  6. How the hell can you say Millie is too chunky on the hips? Surely you are confused with Georgie? (Dec looks really thrilled to be there in that last photo...)
  7. I was protecting myself from the otherwise inevitable barrage of abuse from those with no access to Sky Sports News at that time. Not having a camera/phone is apparently no excuse for not providing a picture...
  8. Georgie's looking real nice right now. Would take a picture, but no phone and the sun is too bright on the screen.
  9. When I first read that I thought we'd seen the last of it. Then I read that we've gotta put up with it next year first.
  10. Where the hell do you go to give blood? All I get is a biscuit and a bloody cup of tea! When I fist went the nurse said I might feel a little prick, but I didn't, I felt quite big after doing my bit. I'd have felt even better after a choice of a small bottle of Guinness, minerals, crisps, biccies along with freeby pens, stickers and a sun visor for my car.
  11. What makes you think that if they can catch a bus they are gonna be any better behaved? I can see it now - "Fuck smoking, playing our scousehouse really loud or spitting on the floor - I'm gonna spend my time catching a bus!!!!!" - "Look out, here it comes....!"
  12. Charlotte for me. She doesn't look as good behind the news desk as she does in the pics. But then they all would look better behind the news desk if dressed as Charlotte is in those pics. Charlotte has a strange face shape. But the body is A1.
  13. "Bernadette thought she looked quite fetching in her £16,000 dress"
  14. That "Going in for the Kill" one. Bane of my life.
  15. Not that much surely? She doesn't normally look like it. Reckon they must have a new make up artist then.
  16. I reckon they must'v make- upped her arms and not her face then.
  17. I see Georgie has had her Tango-Tan topped up again. Except this time they forgot to do her face. She's got deep orange arms and a neck and face like she's seen a ghost. It looks like two different people.
  18. I don't think that's puppy fat she's putting on... Georgie is about 4' 11". 5' max. Short measures.
  19. She should present dressed like this. If "dressed" is the word for it.
  20. Saw Charlotte for the first time today on SSN. Not quite as hot on T.V. as in the photos. So Millie still wins out. Then Natalie, then Charlotte. I'll slip Charlotte in before Georgie as Charlotte looks happy and good fun.
  21. She is SERIOUSLY hot. (6) Looking at her Facebook thing she appears so friendly. She really knows how to put herself across. I bet the other SkySports girls are pissed off with her as the cuckoo in the nest. Reckon Millie, Natalie and Georgie may have to move down the bench. I think my life may have just altered, and not necessarily for the better... :wallbutt:
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