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Everything posted by memyselfandpie

  1. You are an absolute idiot if you actually believe that.
  2. I should have thought more about the sites, I should have known people would see a site and disregard the content before even reading it, because that's what you've been trained to do after all isn't it, good little doggy? Buying into the Soros running the world thing? Again, did you look at the content? Did you bother to see for yourself that he is in fact funding the groups that we are talking about? Probably not, bad doggy. More training for you. Stronts - Does it make me an anti-Semite to question someones motives just because they happen to be Jewish? I don't give a shite what he is, I'm looking at what they are doing. Nothing whatsoever to do with anything else. But the fact is Soros is funding all kinds of bullshit and Zuckerberg is looking like he's going to run for office at some point. Amazing that someone would see those things as anything to do with race or racism.
  3. Oh diddums, did someone disagree with your opinion? I'm not a Nazi, or even right-wing, I believe in the truth of things though.
  4. A TL:DR for you. Basically, everything you are seeing and hearing is a political strategy; a sophisticated and disgusting game of chess, which goes beyond the US into ‘Global’ strategy, in truth. A strategy to damage Trump so that the democrats can regain power in 2020, and it looks like they’re willing to do anything to achieve their goals. This is all the groundwork being laid. Marxism is being pushed heavily by these associated groups. Lots of Soviet flags can be seen at rallies and many of the attendees openly admit to being communists (although I’m not sure they really know what that means!). There is also an anti-White agenda that is being pushed (lots of examples of this are to be found) which is feeding the far-right. I’m not saying that Nazism isn’t occurring, it is, but I think this mess is being created by very rich men that are currently sitting there rubbing their hands together in glee. This will only skim the surface, there’s lots more information out there, far too much to collect and do it any kind of justice. https://www.scribd.com/document/337535680/Full-David-Brock-Confidential-Memo-On-Fighting-Trump - The political and organisational driving-force behind the whole anti-Trump propaganda and the push to ‘create’ a narrative. This is where it comes from. Lots of this four year ‘plan’ has already occurred and we’re not even a year into it. This includes media control, social media control, the whole ‘fake news’ narrative (which is really all about censorship), and helping to create the ‘White nationalist’ narrative. http://observer.com/2016/08/dc-leak-exposes-top-clinton-donor-george-soros-manipulating-elections/ - Funding information about George Soros, note that he is also funding Media Matters (in the first link) https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://sorosfiles.com/soros/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/sorosPPP.pdf&hl=en_US – Funding information and links http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/03/look-who-funds-the-group-behind-the-call-to-arms-at-milos-berkeley-event/ - Details Antifa funding links https://cursedeblogger.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/natsec.png?w=620 – Media manipulation and pushing a narrative https://medium.com/hitpiece/antifa-fighting-fascism-with-fascism-30228f33f806 - Antifa fascism at Berkeley https://archive.is/DmEn0 - Antifa unpermitted ‘march’ in New York https://cursedeblogger.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/antifa-berlin.jpg - Antifa looking like good little boys https://www.thenation.com/article/if-you-appreciated-seeing-neo-nazi-richard-spencer-get-punched-thank-the-black-bloc/ - Antifa ‘lauding’ and talk of organisation, destruction, and violence against those they don’t agree with (one of the main tenets of fascism!) http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm - 14 defining characteristics of fascism. How many apply to Antifa and the narrative that is being pushed? Bear these in mind when thinking of all that you see For further, more general AntiFa stuff, check out what they did to Hamburg earlier this year. (P.S: Don’t be surprised if you see Mark Zuckerberg running for office in 2020 or 2024. He’s very much aligned with all of this as well)
  5. OK, I will do just that. Give me a bit to gather some things together.
  6. Wow. Antifa absolutely do NOT turn up as if they were a disorganized rabble, they are extremely organized (I'm talking specifically about in the US here by the way), and well-funded. The media has spun this pretty much since Trump took office. There are lots of reasons behind that too, many of which is little known about. They don't need anyone to give them a bad name, they've earned their bad name by assaulting people and destroying innocent people's property for a very long time. If you only get your news from the mainstream you won't hear about that though. And finally, Antifa didn't spring up out of nowhere as a result of 'rising alt-right politics'. They have been created for a purpose, look into it.
  7. Don't take what the media spurns out at face value, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. Antifa have been attacking people and causing tons of criminal damage for nearly a year in the US. Do a search for videos and you'll find loads of evidence of this (although lots have mysteriously been deleted too, funny that). The Charlottesville debacle didn't happen because 'There were Nazi's', it happened because of poor policing and masses of people armed with weapons on BOTH sides. Have a look in particular for a video of the Police shepherding the 'Unite the Right' folks down a narrow flight of stairs right into a large group of waiting Antifa.
  8. Peep Show - The scene where Jez has the job interview at Mark's place is brilliant. Between the facial spasm and the "Yeah, well at least I don't fancy elves and pixies!" and Mark's reaction, pure class. Max & Paddy - "Dirty Pig!" Richard Pryor - "Live in Concert" at the Terrace Theatre, Long Beach, California. Without a doubt the greatest comedy I've ever seen, absolute genius.
  9. Well, I for one hope Ric Flair does this: He gets up from his bed and says... Before walking across the room and leaving this world in true Ric Flair style, like this!
  10. Made me think of this, which I fucking love the arse off! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NZdggNUvq0
  11. Imagine the size of his balls. Imagine getting into a fight with the fucker!
  12. I really like James Walsh's (Starsailor) cover of "Born to be with you" popularized by The Chordettes. This is the only version I've found so far though. It incorporates a cover of "Rocket man" by Elton John as well, but I'm all about the first one really. Also, I've always loved the Spanish cover of Roy Orbison's "Crying" by Rebekah Del Rio "Llorando". (From the film 'Mulholland Drive')
  13. It's a good job you and I don't work in the same office as I fear we may have made the front pages of all the papers by now for unspeakable crimes against the...
  14. I can't believe there are people stupid enough to allow themselves to be physically chipped. Actually, I can. Sad times.
  15. The mention of muzzles is a funny one because there are a hell of a lot of dog owners out there that don't even know how to use one of those things properly! The common theme in a lot of my posts is that people don't know enough about dogs despite the 15,000 years or so of them living with us. It's embarrassing. If we start with education that would help a lot.
  16. I've been away too long! But I'll let you off 'cause you used the Bunk to break the news.
  17. We've got four banned breeds/types in this country as it is, and despite that, they're still here. The criminal underworld will get their hands on things no matter what, and if anything, by banning those dog breeds they made them more appealing, particularly the most notorious in the pit bull. Things are unpoliceable already, banning more would only make that even more so the case.
  18. I agree with much of what you've said. That comment of mine about 'good' dog owners was used to highlight the fact that most dog owners do the wrong things without realizing it, but you're right about the more obvious mistreatment and mixing with kids etc. I made a few comments much earlier in the thread about the size of the dog. I understand where people are coming from when they talk of bigger, or more powerful dogs, posing the bigger threat with regard to damage that can be done, but all it really takes is for an artery to be severed; they don't need to tear you limb from limb. The fact that it's children and the elderly that are most often killed by dogs says plenty. If you banned dogs above a certain size - and you would assume most people would want Staffy-sized and upwards - we'd lose the vast majority of dog breeds. It just seems a bit too extreme to say "Right, one of you could kill us, so we're going to kill all of you instead so that doesn't happen!".
  19. The dog shagging Spongebob :lol:
  20. How would you define a 'bad' dog owner? I've highlighted this part because it's one of the most commonly seen mistakes that most dog owners make. Domestic dogs, don't naturally form packs. There have been plenty of studies over the years but one of the most well-known is the one that studied dog behaviour based around rubbish dumps in Italy. Dogs tend to roam about on their own and only come together briefly before going off alone again. Dog's are social animals but to say they are pack animals isn't quite true. Much of the misconception about the 'pack' hierarchy debate came from the work of one man in the late 60's, David Mech. He studied the behaviour of captive Wolves and the whole hierarchical structure was born, which in turn made its way into the domestic dog world. The problem was that captive Wolves don't behave at all like wild Wolves, and the hyper-aggressive 'pack' ethos on display was not in keeping with the truth of the matter. David Mech went on to renounce his own work many years later and even wanted the book he wrote on the matter removed from sale due to misinformation. Still, even now, the 'pack' ethos exists despite it being known for a few decades to be inaccurate. People like Caesar Milan further propagated this erroneous thinking and set the dog-world backwards by about twenty years. Wolves are now known to be families and not packs. Now, if we apply that to the domestic dog world, we get a much more harmonious atmosphere with fewer behaviour problems, because things like 'asserting your dominance' have been shown to be more harmful and lead to things such as defensive aggression, possessiveness etc. :D We've been over this one before, so I won't go into it too much again, but one thing you would have taken away from that program with Professor Green that may have been of use is the knowledge that one of the most frequent biters of people is the...Dachshund. (It was actually stated on the program to be the most frequent biter of people. I know this has been the case in the past but I am not sure about the most recent statistics on that one so I can't confirm).
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