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Everything posted by Dropkick

  1. I dont change my mind. Hicks has just reitterated that Rarfa is staying for now.
  2. What the yanks have said is that they want to keep Rarfa. If he finishes outside the top four, though, they may rethink that.
  3. He is the real saviour the others were imposters.
  4. All the undermining being done is being done by Rarfa himself.
  5. He should have been replaced last season.
  6. I thought you were gonna say, why not you are.
  7. I think that they should stick with Bush. Who ever new they get probably wont be much better and then they will have to get rid of all Bush's appointments and put in their own ones and then they will all have to learn the job and then in another four years just when they are getting the hang of it it will be time to start all over again. No wonder that a country run like that is in a mess.
  8. Then how come when I posted my question, instead of answering it or ignoreing it, how come you said, that's not what it says. It doesn't say that at all.
  9. Did you read this sentence do you understand what I mean.
  10. You havent you have always be denying that they could tell anything even now I dont know whether you understand my question.
  11. Of course it doesnt say that they could see the card like they could describe it of course not. But it does say that they could distinguish between the two kinds of cards.
  12. But there were TWO kinds of pictures and they had DIFFERENT responses depending on which kind of picture it was so you COULD have stopped before showing it to them and the lie detector would have told you which KIND of picture it was. PS The rapidshare is one of Radin's papers in pdf format.
  13. I posted another description of the experiment because you do not seem to understand that the subject really did produce different responses before seeing the different pictures.
  14. Then I win by default. http://rapidshare.com/files/80554329/radin_presentiment_2004.pdf.html
  15. You is the one who does not understand implications. It implies that you do not make an interesting signal when you see a relaxing picture.
  16. What is the matter with you you post a story and then complain when no one responds and then when I ask an innocent question about the only interesting bit in the story you disregard my question and go on as if that bit wasnt really saying anything in particular at all.
  17. The quotes are not out of context you are talking shit that is why I dont understand you.
  18. What the fuck are you on about. It is obvious that he is talking about being shown the cards.
  19. No, it doesnt. Read the fucking quotes.
  20. Are you smokeing shit. What the fuck does that mean. Of course it says what I said it says.
  21. Do you really believe it the article I mean. That you will know which random card is going to be shown to you.
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