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Everything posted by SharQ

  1. Whey. I must be hyper-sophisticated, then. I have a mac that is decent, a mac laptop, and a PC that is pretty damn good, but it is just shoved in a cupboard cause it annoys the fuck out of me every time I try to use it, cause it isn't a mac. h
  2. (you now have 32 replies. Wooh)
  3. Saggy tits and huge ass. God, that is vile. h
  4. Us Mac users have gotten used to a lot of good stuff in life. Not least the fact that we have some of the best standard software in the world. Such as iCal - the best calender software I've ever tried. One of the nifty bits about iCal is that you can subscribe to calendars - and I stumbled over one that has all the LFC games listed, and (after they are done, of course) listed with scores. That way, you don't have to update your own calendar - someone else does it for you.. http://www.icalshare.com/article.php?story=20030603102829158 h
  6. Yeh it does, it is just being a slow cunt.
  7. Teeh. How did 9 people bid on this?
  8. Posted this in the GF for some reason. Come on, ya footiefans! Get on the ball! I want to see a nice stong league
  9. 1) Go here: http://en.fantasy.euro2004.com 2) Make your team (you can win big prizes) 3) Click "enter league" 4) enter 97871-18919 as your league code 5) Compete against all the other TLW-ites! Woohoo. h
  10. Yeh, he's a leg. Such a genuine guy as well. h
  11. 'twas a rave parade in Oslo City, but the result is the same, I guess... h
  12. Good Evening, Dear Sirs! Or summat. Anyway - what I was gonna say, is that I haven't been on the forum for fucking ages, because I've been too busy moving (new address, in other words), finishing uni (Haje Jan Kamps BA Hons, at your service), and starting my company (photocritic Ltd - http://www.photocritic.org) Of course, that means I now need lotsabusiness. If any of you splendid individuals need - or know anyone who needs - photography doing at high quality and half-decent prices - you guys know where to find me: HajeJan@photocritic.org Cheers, dudes! Haje
  13. Okay, I admit it. I posted that. I am a cunt. Mweeeehehehehehe
  14. Dude, that ain't cool. FOr that reason you are banned. H
  15. There are 4 TLs. Great. h
  16. A builder involved in a £1.2m court battle with footballer Michael Owen has been found dead at his home. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_east/3568385.stm
  17. You mean it isn't actually called dogchester? Damn.
  18. When was the first hour? Does it matter? It just gives you an idea of approximately how long you will have to wait in the worst case scenario. That update took a lot longer than I had hoped for. The second update was due to blueshite hacking the server, but then we were back online within 20 minutes. h
  19. Yeah, what Chris said. Avatars are back online though. Any more problems, email me ;) H
  20. Tom ross read this, reccommended one of his friends (presumably) to go fill in the form, they did, and came up with some very good points. Tom, you rule too much. THANKS! h
  21. Nah, dude, I'm on top of things. I was just made aware of a small security weakness. It is now fixed, though, so... GAME ON! hj
  22. Try pressing "User CP" (for user control panel), and take it from there ;)
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