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Everything posted by chorlton

  1. Birdemic Also i really really really recommend Best Worst Movie a film about the making of the Mighty Troll 2 which really is the worst film made.
  2. No. Not Raiders. No. Raiders best blockbuster banjo man.
  3. ! They have a made to order option. V interesting, finally a big trouble in little china footy shirt might be mine!
  4. Metropolis, saw the full version with the footage found in argentina, sooo ahead of it's time and arguably an influence on bladerunner in it's humanity and scope. Flash Gordon should be on the list btw, because it's fucking boss.
  5. The original german funny games, that actually messed my head up.
  6. that said voting BNP is generally a sign of not knowing what the fuck your talking about as opposed to being actively racist and falling for the type of bullshit that the mail print.
  7. The BNP are racist cunts, handing the press have a nice link to us for another racism story, ironically a bigotted racist right rag like the mail is the last fucking thing we need.
  8. Neil G's post is one of my favourite posts on this forum. I love Kenny, it breaks my heart to seem him sent packing. Sentiment aside he should have been given more time.
  9. I'll get a copy, no excuse for not doing. Have you ever considered a kindle version btw?
  10. I've just been let go by FSG, it was a short but productive time. I'm honoured to have been gven the opportunity and wish to spend more time with my family.
  11. It's not deplorable, it's a massive cock up and a break down in communication. HJC should have been included. It's not fucking rocket science, jesus i could do a job for LFC as could most people on here. Forge links with the community, talk to the fans, it's not difficult. Ask the players to visit the hospital more regularly, why once a year? They all enjoy it, put on rotation and get one to visit once a week. Get the youth team to play at anfield when possible and just cover the costs to open anfield. If it's not possible, let people know you looked into it. etc.
  12. c'mon whedon, you can make what you want now Avengers is making a gazillion pounds. Give us more! TV show ideally. "You had a riot! for me? How could i ever leave!"
  13. now if you'd said fat sam or the oystons, now that might prompt more thought.
  14. here's the latest version with highlights added, will still need a redraw like.
  15. thankyou kindly Mr Swearengen.
  16. You murder one prostitute....
  17. Haha, which one? I like the battlecaterpillar.
  18. Cheers lads, much appreciated. I'll post the image with the highlights on tonight.
  19. Hah, cheers man, of the new ones it's doing okay, if anyones on any other forums and wants to spread the word though!
  20. Cheers man, you've got good taste for a big man.
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