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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Intresting that this is one of the posters who keeps urging other posters to put me on ignore. This one seems to have a special fetishism as although he continually mentions my name and he's first to jump into any thread where I'm critical of the Israeli government. In short hes a scummy little cunt. Mugface was once again first in to try debunk the tweet and so defend the IDF, Mossad and their outsider's in the post above. Although no claims were made to authenticity anyway. He has seemed unconcerned on all the other Israeli falsehoods on the issue. Plenty of them, not a peep. Here is life long Jewish anti apartheid campaigner, the son of a holocaust victim and an ex advisor to Nelson Mandela, Andrew Feinstein. He posted the same tweet as I posted. I'm waiting for the Mudfaces of this world/forum to label him a crank. For those who don't know him here he is, although you wouldn't have been able to learn about the man if you'd taken Mudfaces advice and put me on ignore. Which seems his aim. By Mudfaces criteria, on what 'he' chooses is 'spam' a man such as Finkelstein would not be welcome to give his veiws on this issue, not produce his links on this subject, on this forum. Dismissed as not worth listening to. Mocked. Finkelstein. Just let that sink in.
  2. Wa we giv the world.. Kulltuuure... The cunts probably the most uncultured person in British public life since Arthur Mullard.
  3. Taylor Swift private plane use/routes 2013 Or it could be the route the taxi drivers took from Lime Street Station to Anfield when the Swiftys had tickets to see her play.
  4. British political journalism and debate. Tory on politics live saying Corbyn wanted to disband the army and take Britain out of Nato. Both totally untrue yet both go unchallenged and are not corrected.
  5. I can't understand why he seems to think sacking 72,000 people would be a vote winner. You couldn't blame every previous tory voting civil servant if they decided they would not vote tory at the next election after hearing Shapps bright idea.
  6. Yeah I think you might be right Arnie but what a stupid idea to throw out.
  7. I've seen some stupid tory government ministers over the years but Shapps is in the top bracket of idiocy. The man hasn't even the most basic grasp of economics. Surely he must understand that the 72,000 people he's nonchalantly throwing on the dole pay taxes, have mortgages and spend money into the economy. Grants brainwave would see many forced to take money from the state and put extra burdens on public services.
  8. Unconfirmed but shocking if true. Is a foreign country putting a gag over the mouths of British journalists?
  9. His second sentence is correct.
  10. Simor is 100% right. These are the knock on dangers that follow the little orchestrated pantomimes such as the one at the Palestinian march recently. A planned disruption of basic British freedoms which hit all our tv and radio bulletins for days (where we're those concerned with fake news then politicians?). Politicians such as Suella Braverman (its almost unbelievable that she was Home Secretary) jumped on the story with relish. It soon became obvious the policeman was trying to diffuse the situation and keep the peace when put in an awkward predicament by those Zionists, even if his words were a little clumsy. Would a group of peace activists be allowed to disrupt the soldiers marching at the Cenotaph? Of course not. People such Braverman have no concern whatsoever for Britain They are only concerned with their paymasters in Israel. These people breed people such as Fox and Robinson, they grant them legitimacy. The result of which is seen below. They should be called out for what they are. These are the same characters who've been telling us for months the people marching for a ceasefire in Gaza have been disruptive to both police and public!
  11. America. Tearing itself apart over Israel.
  12. Why journalists are not allowed into Gaza. Why Israeli apologists do not like others sharing information.
  13. God bless America. From Colombias own website. Looks like they may be about to make the same mistake again.
  14. But the disingenuous yank says they're stand up geezers, so everything else must be dismissed.
  15. It's hard to tell these days.
  16. https://twitter.com/BBCWorld/status/1782837084593565772?t=JftYOcpAbb7H22uHWE1UfA&s=19
  17. Plenty you said. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68423995.amp https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/gaza-journalists-foreign-correspondents-israel-egypt-access/ Go on, name a few .
  18. What is " a tidal wave of shit" about that post Bannana man? You think CNN are the only reputable form of information? Don't make me laugh. "Suprised youre still at it" Still at what Bannana man? What am I at? Go on what is it that upsets you? Name something, shouldn't be hard should it? I'm all ears.
  19. Mental. I thought this was a joke till someone put a trophy against it. Unless I'm being whoosed. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/02/russia-ukraine-war-energy-costs/
  20. Are there really? Can you name me a few? Because I thought information regarding this war was a little harder than some pretend. Go on but you can wipe these off your list. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle east-68423995.amp https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/gaza-journalists-foreign-correspondents-israel-egypt-access/
  21. Here you are Mugface. Have a complimentary "tide of shit" on me. Mates of yours?
  22. OK but its not fake and its not a parody. Otherwise it'd be taken down or community noted. I just find it odd that a posh little prick like Murkface would jump straight in when the disingenuous rat has never once raised an eyebrow over all the fake news stories pumped out by Israel. Such as below. Why is that I wonder? Maybe the fella in the vid below can give us a couple of clues about the real character of people such as Mudface. https://x.com/hebh_jamal/status/1721474268704158007
  23. Because unlike you and Mugshot they have no issue with the content? Not so upsetting for them as it is for those such as Mudache?
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