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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Some of the people in the hospitality industry who do not exist in other people's worlds. https://businessnewswales.com/wages-soar-by-11-in-brexit-exposed-sectors-data-finds/ https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2018/01/hospitality-industry-wages-rise-over-10-thanks-to-brexit/ https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-sees-fastest-wage-rises-sectors-most-reliant-eu-workers-indeed-2022-02-25/ https://www.npr.org/2022/07/28/1113649843/gdp-2q-economy-2022-recession-two-quarters https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58620265.amp
  2. I doubt her kid is daft enough to pin worldwide inflation on brexit.
  3. She exists and thousands of poor people like her working low paid jobs exist. Just not in your world. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/wetherspoons-brexit-government-vat-europe-b958592.html
  4. The coffee shop girl gets brought up an awful lot, but not by me. Who brought her up yet again today and who once again defended her?
  5. I'm making fuck all up. Honest question. You think girls in coffee shops have not received pay rises because of staff shortages? Really? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/wetherspoons-brexit-government-vat-europe-b958592.html
  6. That black girl in a coffee shop shouting about her pay rise has become public enemy number 1 with certain posters. Knuckles gone white. Edit; Sorry but she was fucking boss.
  7. One small step away from blaming the poorest people in society who can only afford lower cuts of meat vibes.
  8. By "us" the luvvie dipstick means pompous middle class wankers like himself. The poor left working in agriculture/construction/hospitality for fucking pittance are not deemed worthy to enter his thoughts.
  9. It certainly is. They can't help themselves. Probably ignore world events and blame the American downturn on Brexit. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/28/1113649843/gdp-2q-economy-2022-recession-two-quarters
  10. Germany are fucked and America are on very shakey ground. To try to pin the problems of our inflation and interest rate rises on brexit is fucking absurd but the loons need their fix. Fucking mental.
  11. Yep high interests rates and the oncoming recession will just hit us, Europe and the rest of the world will be dandy. Must've missed the recent world events, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-14/german-economy-is-moving-into-recession-deutsche-bank-says#xj4y7vzkg Classic case of viewing every bad event through the prism of Brexit.
  12. The economy is up shit creek... Just been looking at some of the reaction from here over last nights hustings, the general consensus from S Wales is Truss suprised a few people, shes actually a bigger fucking moron than previously thought. I'd be confident in suggesting the vast majority of Wales watched last night with a similar facial expression as Greta Thunberg in the pic above. Most of her grandiose statements were dubious or downright lies. You'd think after serving a Prime Minister just booted for failure to tell the truth she'd try to be steady, she's every bit as bad as Johnson. How many times is she going to repeat the lie about Johnsons miraculous vaccination rollout? Every fucking interview. Hello, https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/2021/06/how-wales-leads-world-covid-19-vaccine-race
  13. The most alarming issue from last night's toryfest was the two candidates thoughts on climate change ( I doubt Drakeford gives a fuck about being called a "low energy Jeremy Corbyn). Truss said the Westminster cabinet would gasp at the latest crackpot schemes coming from Wales. Both candidates brought up Drakefords commitment to halt road building as am example. Appears the very recent record temperature rises passed over both candidates heads, parts of England are enforcing hose pipe bans. Wales are third in the world on recycling rates, first in Europe.. Almost all environmentalists and scientists say road building and its effects on wildlife contribute massively to raising climate temperatures.. https://wilderness-society.org/road-construction-accelerates-climate-change/ So crackpot schemes???
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