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Everything posted by Bjornebye

  1. The fact that he made a stand for right vs wrong is good enough for me. The whole things a fucking shit show
  2. Hahaha. Might put Wonderwall on repeat
  3. It doesn’t mean it isn’t a disgrace though Section. My local MP who I voted for is currently suspended for wanting to help parents and kids. How am I meant to feel? Happy? Not arsed?
  4. It’s a disgrace. And I had Party Politics in the grand national sweepstake when I was a kid. That can fuck off and all.
  5. MPs being told they have to vote a certain way or they’ll lose the whip isn’t just discipline. Especially given the topic. It’s a disgrace what they’ve done.
  6. Im sure they have a plan that will work but suspending 7 mp’s smacks of petulance and wielding the power sword. What’s the point of having a local MP there to speak up if they can’t even have their own opinion in parliament?
  7. She could have attended it with an AR-15 to be fair
  8. I can’t fucking wait to beat you at snooker
  9. Yeah the constant chirping in trying to shit stir and offering little else really is getting sad and boring. Go on you’ve got a title to win back on the bitch thread. That’s where you should be.
  10. How am I being an uppity bellend? I’ve literally said whatever opinion you have is fine. I don’t have to agree with it. Who is even on about reps and negs haha fuck sake have a coffee and a wank.
  11. I think you responded to the wrong post. It’s AOT you should be responding to. I was simply saying an extra 16 quid would help many parents. How that would even be up for debate is one for GB news Edited: I originally put quilt instead of quid.
  12. There isn’t really a relevance to the question though is there and I’ve answered it. No not presently a paid up member as per my previous answer that is there for everyone to see. You’re just being a chirpsy bellend for forum laughs as usual just because I asked for your input instead of your usual going round gobbing off with very little opinion. If you’re fine with keeping the cap then great that’s your opinion. If not then again fine. If you want to wait and see then cool.
  13. Apart from the bit where I didn’t go on the defensive I guess you’re erm …. Right? Wind your neck in I only asked your opinion. If your opinion is you’ll wait and see then you haven’t really got an opinion on the topic at hand. Which is fine.
  14. I’m not on the defensive. I asked if you had an opinion and was complimenting you as someone who is a paid up member and turns up at stuff pre election. I just asked what the relevance was to the question seeing as you avoided mine.
  15. Nope I’m not. I couldn’t be a paid up party member when the likes of Streeting and Akehurst are strolling around it. I have massively different values to them I know things can’t be changed right away but this was something they could have changed and then they’ve suspended 7 mps for going against what the front bench demanded. It’s a disgrace. And yeah you’re right I am pissed off. It was Byrnes name I ticked in the polling station.
  16. They’re going on about Goodison like Barca have decided to knock the Nou Camp down
  17. Clearly waiting for a huge bid from Spain
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