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  1. Dear Turdz, Sorry for the delay in relying but I have a life apart from this dreary littlle forum where you spend the majority of your dull tedious life.. 3 other things I know about you are as follows: 1. She was with you for around 8 barren years in which your flacid, poor excuse for a cock failed to do anything for her. 2. She fucked off with a Geordie and within months became impregnated by a cock in full working order. 3. You have posted around 12,500 (twleve thousand five hundred) times in around four years. That's around 1 post per day and you say I am a loser for fucks sake. Enjoy the rest of your day posting (or finding a new 'interesting' avatar little boy). Goodbye.
  2. Should have fucked off with his wife to send the sad, boring fuck posting his 12,324th post just before midnight on a Saturday night. By the way I'm from Cardiff.
  3. Fuck me that was cutting. I can't wait for post number 7,7667 - another boring cunt with no life. Do you take it up the arse of your boyfriend Redder Lurtz?
  4. Ha ha you boring housebound prick. Sad a bloke your age with Captain Sensible as an avatar - no wonder your missus fucked off from you u sad cunt.
  5. As much as I admire Jay Spearing for being the first man with down's syndrome to play premiership football, he's a piss poor player.
  6. More than 12,000 posts you wanker - don't be surprised she fucked you off for someone who spent some time giving her some cock.
  7. Ironically? The geordie knows how to give her a good fuck and knock one out of her man. She spewed 8 years with you and moved on long ago. No closure needed.
  8. Can I take this post as an example as it's really short compared to your other posts which I can't be arsed to try and make sense of? Of the 3 words you've emphasised in the post, why have you set 'Where' to a bold font? I bet when you talk you say 'ya know' after every sentence. I also bet your patter could clear a crowded pub in under 3 minutes.
  9. Why do you set random meaningless words in your posts to a bold font? Are you fucking stupid?
  10. Fuck off man - it's a load of bollocks - fuck all to think about. 2/10
  11. Agreed - I felt depressed as fuck watching the mothers boyfriend taking photos of her kids in their underwear. Then when the oldest boy was raped by his stepbrother I was so fucking angry and sad I had to turn it off even though I knew I was going to miss a good film. Based on true story as well.
  12. I'd say that's got to be you. Especially as you constantly post photos of yourself looking like Deidre Barlow with your odd looking friends.
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