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Nantwich girl

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Everything posted by Nantwich girl

  1. A new pair of bathroom scales. I think I want my last ones back!! They said I weighed 4 lbs less :-( Also a holiday in July to skiathos.
  2. Yes of course it is!! Women do it all the time. Most men don't actually realise it though :-)
  3. She should do as he says. Then when he is in a peaceful drug induced slumber she should take a 7" kitchen knife and slowly put purposefully push it into his pancreas. Then when the blade is in as far as it will go she should quickly flick her wrist clockwise. This would probably sort out the problem but she may need to change the bedding afterwards.
  4. Not a stand up as such and not rubbish either IMO. I'm going to see Tim minchin next month, very funny and talented!
  5. I've stayed in the library hotel before which was lovely. I've recently Been to NYC and stayed in the New Yorker which is ok, but is in a really good location for everything. I don't know what the rates are as I didn't pay but I would suspect the new Yorker is considerably cheaper.
  6. How sweet ! Not gone just been preoccupied with more interesting things ;-) Sorry to disappoint you but I don't do pm messages. Nothing personal to you but I just don't read them whoever they are from. Incidently the person who I worked with was actually sacked for gross misconduct after he unbelievably sent a horrible and sick joke about disabled children to somebody he knew in another department. Apparently the other person didnt know what it was and opened it whilst his manager was with him!! Strange how things turn out. Talk about shooting yourself in both feet. :-)
  7. Steak won the day and the night and this morning :-) Small thoughts and glad dreams, little whispers and galloping themes. The world is keeping us awake with it's constant murmuring, but let's try and sleep for a little while, just a while.... Die schone ende, :-) x
  8. I'm pissed and this is long very long but I managed to get to the end of it and it is by far the best response tommy post that intact read. It is objective and challenging without recourse to silly threats or childish name calling. I will certainly consider carefully what you have offered in terms of advice. Thank you for posting such an intelligent and nondoubt well meaning post!!! There is now a good chance that I am going to be sick so goodnightx
  9. The Internet is brill for deciding what you want before you even go out :-)))
  10. I'm not happy that somebody is probably going to loose their job, it doesn't mean it isn't deserved though. I don't really expect you to understand it all though because quite clearly you're a moron.
  11. I was in the meeting!! He wasn't offered it all!! they were all suggestions that were put forward to try and assist him / motivate him. I might not have made that clear sorry!
  12. Nope read it again it was all offered, discussed and rejected during one particular meeting.
  13. Change of work type, change of team, special projects, specialisation and training to fund it. Betterment training, ie team building courses, time management courses. The offer of no duty calls in return for assisting the other team when they need it ( about 4 times per month). He was also asked about any problems in or out of work that could be contributing to his lack of performance and is there anything that we could do to assist? All of the above were treated with scorn and total disinterest by him. An example Of how poor his attitude is came about 3 months ago. A woman in the other team got a flat tyre in a remote part of the district. He was out on visits about 5 miles away. One of the guys rang him and told him about the situation and that she needed to post a notice before it went dark. The helpful poor soul allegedly said " tough, she's got a husband hasn't she? Followed by she should have joined the aa then shouldn't she!" he also claimed he couldn't divert 15 minutes out of his way to do the notice for her because he had decided to finish on site early without informing me or anybody else prior to taking the call. This is just one example of his behaviour, needless to say he is disliked quite a lot by the other planners. The woman was finally helped by my manager who traveled 22 miles to where she was and changed the wheel. She is 54 and has a problem with her knee so she couldn't even change the wheel herself.
  14. My manager has been in thi afternoon along with a hr representative to discuss this bloke. My manager has had enough of his poor attitude and wants him out on the grounds of competency and him not following council policy on a number of apps from 12 months ago. Looks like I won't get the chance to coach him or mentor him at all now. Strange that they didn't want to talk to me about my obvious failure to manage him or my team correctly. In fact I had praise from my head of service and the head of hr for the actions that I had taken to try an assist this bloke. Disappointing end for him but he only has himself to blame.
  15. Not experienced at management. Applied for the role of team leader at another authority and got it. I think they see me developing onto the role. I am not harsh I am supportive but I won't stand for slackers or people who don't think they need to contribute. He does the bare minimum and although he hasn't made any serious mistakes so far, his lack of commitment to doing a job will inevitably mean a major mistake will not be too far around the corner. It comes down to being a professional person and ensuring that you maintain your ethics. U have worked for weak managers before, managers who seem incapable or more likely unwilling to sortthe problem out. In my experience what happens is the good people get pissed off and leave because they are always having to carry the lame duck. Eventually you are left with a team containing the dross as all the ones who are valuable team players leave for another position elsewhere. As I have said,only 6 months in, still learning but I'm a quick learner!!
  16. This is true! I know a bloke who is a building control officer and he has a friend who does the same job in the private sector. His friend gets 8k a year more, a car, medical insurance, share scheme/ pension and does far less work than the guy in the public sector. He also doesn't have to deal with rubbish builders or architects as his company deals only with major companies.
  17. Yeah yeah you say all of that but at the end of the day you would jump at the chance to go out with me. Don't deny it ;-) xxxx
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