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Top of the Kop

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Everything posted by Top of the Kop

  1. My favourite rapper of all time passed away 11 years ago on Tuesday. The rap game was never the same after that! R.I.P to the M.V.P, if he hadn't died he could well have become the G.O.A.T...(I'm such a great lyricist....) Don't know how to embed anymore so....
  2. Reading this thread is absolutely shocking, so many childish posters who are just resorting to puerile name-calling. Really makes me sick. And as for Durango, well I just have one thing to say to you - oooooooooooooooooooooooooh spastic fanny, crippled dick go to hell you fucking prick! Bloody bastard, fucking hell, shit you really really smell.....
  3. I swear on my mothers life that that wasn't exaggerated. If I was going to exaggerate I would have been bummed by the biker, won the freestyle battle and then taken home that milf and given her a good banging!
  4. Was working in NY this summer so, naturally, decided to spend my birthday in the big city. The person I was working for managed to sort us out a nice hotel near Time Square so me and my mates were sorted. The problems started when we all bundled into a biker bar in a dodgy part of town (it was actually the bar that influenced that shite film Coyote Ugly, but I digress). Anyway, I stagger to the bar and ask for a Guinness, and as I await my cool beverage i catch a massive brute in the corner of my eye just looking at me. I obviously didn't make eye contact and continued to wait and keep myself to myself. As I am leaving the bar, however, this guy decided to walk over to me and whisper in my ear "I'm going to make you my bitch tonight, boy!" before walking off and joining the rest of his biker friends in the corner of the bar. Suffice to say that I nearly shit myself and went off to tell my friends what had just happened. Naturally they ignored me and tell me to finish my pint... 2 minutes later the pint is drunk and we get the fuck out of there. As we leave the bar we are stopped by a man who is dressed in a questionably dirty black suit, and he begins telling us that for just $200 he will show me and my 8 friends the best place to go in the city. Naturally the booze was kicking in by now so this seemed like a great little deal and we agreed. We then jumped into his limousine that was parked outside the biker bar and off we went. "where are we going?" we were all wondering, "somewhere amazing" we all agreed... Next thing we know we end up in a dingy bar in fucking Harlem of all places. As we walk into the bar I notice 3 "hoodlums" standing outside the bar chatting, so i drunkenly stroll up to them. "You like hip hop, just tell them that you are a fan of Big L (a Harlem legend) and they will love you" I keep saying to myself. Well I said it to them and it actually worked. I spend the next hour talking to these gangsters about hip hop, the crack game and drive-bys, until some other guy walks past me, hears my accent, and rightfully questions what I am doing there. "Just talking to these guys about hip hop and shit" i slur. He isn't impressed. He then, for a reason unknown to me, challenges me to a freestyle rap battle and I, for some unknown reason, confidently accept his challenge. Now I have never rapped before in my life, so why the fuck I accepted such a dual is still a mystery to me. Anyway, I demand that this guy go first, and he lays down a freestyle. Now thankfully I let this twat go first, because halfway through the rap he drops a classic Mobb Deep lyric and I notice. "FUCK OFF, YOU STOLE THAT LYRIC, YOU TWAT!" I shout (or words to that effect)....Anyway, now the guy gets angry and threatens me. Because I now had the three hoodlums on my side, I grew more confident and ended up pushing my "mc rival" in the chest before being whisked away in a cab and back to the hotel. You think that is where it ends, but it didn't. After telling my mates in the taxi that "I could have had that guy", we decided that the best thing to do to calm me down would be to get high. By this time I am legless, so i just lie on the bed whilst my friends roll up about 5 joints. We start to smoke them and absolutely stink out the entire floor that we were staying on. After this, and at about 4am, I decide that I am hungry and leave the hotel in search of a bagel. I walked the NYC streets for about an hour and, surprisingly, actually found a bagel shop that was open at 5am on a Sunday morning! I waltz in and go to the counter. As I order two bagels I spy a milf in the corner of my eye. I chat to her for a bit, lay on the charm, compliment her massive chebs (I was pretty fucked at this point so I can't actually recall what I said), and ask her to come back to my place for a bit of fun. Naturally she slaps me in the face and leaves. Now I go to the counter and ask for my bagels. I give the man enough money for one and then walk out the store. As I leave he shouts that I haven't paid for the second one so I return to the store to fight it out. I was adamant that I had paid for the second bagel, and because I was so drunk, I even started believing it myself. "Go on then, call the fucking cops! They'll look at the CCTV and arrest you for wasting police time!" I declared. Unfortunately the person behind the counter called my bluff and did call the police. As I confidently waited in the shop for the police to come, it suddenly started to dawn on me that I was high, in the middle of NYC at 5am, in a bagel shop...and that I HADN'T paid for the bagel in question. Naturally I did what anyone else would have done in that situation and proceeded to throw the second bagel at the guy behind the counter and, as the chaos ensued, run out the shop and back to the hotel (taking me about an hour and a half to find again). Anyway, I then get back, kick my mate out the room and make him sleep in the cleaning cupboard outside (to be fair he had pulled and was just desperate to shag the girl anywhere, wherever it may have been) and woke up in the morning with a lot of regrets. True story.
  5. The scene with Superhans, Mark and the plank of wood had me in stitches. It was so simple but so brilliant. Classic Mark Corrigan.
  6. Oh well you are very clever, if you want my comeback then you can scrape it from your mothers teeth. *OH NO HE DIDN'T!*
  7. There was no negging here either. Stop being a twat, this thread was beginning to get back on track.
  8. You are aware that most "rap beefs" begin when one rapper has an indirect dig at another in one of their songs? Sorry, I'm in a pedantic mood :whistle:
  9. ah sorry then, I thought you were referring to me. I haven't learned all of my hip hop stuff from a book actually, I do read a lot about hip hop history and watch documentaries etc (like any true "hip hop head") but I also have a whole catalogue of music dating back from the late 1970's! (If you were to press play on my itunes right now it would take you 35 days whole days to get through it all. I'm not showing off, i'm just pointing out that I don't just read books about hip hop music and pass off other peoples views as my own). But I digress. Lets agree to disagree on this one. Have heard the album a couple more times and I just don't like it. I would definitely not call it shit (again, in my opinion) but I don't think it's very good either (Production is amazing in places, but you expect that from Kanye). I will happily admit that it is better than 80% of the commercial mainstream hip hop out these days, but that isn't saying much.
  10. This was my favourite line of the year (MY OPINION): 5:28-5:34 But I only say that because it made me piss myself when I first heard it!
  11. Right I am going to reply to you one more time and then that is that. For fuck sake, this is the Kanye thread so lets keep it that after this reply is written. STOP fucking referring to me with indirect jibes. I think 50 cent is shite. I have heard all his stuff and think he is shite. I don't think he is shite because he is popular, I think he is shite because I hate his rap flow, his monotonous lyrical content and his fucking attitude. I do not just care about underground music (although I do love it) so you can cut that shit out right now. As I said before, I do know a shitload about music but I do not feel the need to ratify it to people like you who I will never meet in my life. We have different opinions on a couple of artists. Done. Over. Finished. Back onto the subject at hand. I liked this Kanye song YouTube - Kanye West - Gorgeous Ft. Kid Cudi & Raekwon (Full Version)
  12. With all due respect mate you can go fuck yourself. If you actually follow my posts I said 50 Cent was shite (in my opinion) and that Jay Z (in the past 10 years) is overrated. I don't see why you feel the need to call me an idiot and question my knowledge of hip hop as you actually seemed to agree with me. I know a shitload about the genre and don't need you to ratify that for me (not that it matters anyway). Back to Kanye, his album is good production wise, but I just don't like the lyrics. MY OPINION (before someone else calls me an idiot)
  13. I disagree but I guess it's all about different opinions. For me, if the lyrics are shite I will automatically switch off UNLESS I'm in a club or something and the beat is banging. That is just my opinion though.
  14. Indeed my friend, it wasn't really the whole song, but what I said still stands (in my opinion). I just feel uneasy when he takes obscure punchlines or whatever that none of his new fans will be able to reference, as to me that is biting. If he constantly referenced really well known hooks or lyrics then it wouldn't be so bad, as almost everyone would say "ah, he is shouting out X by using the same hook" etc etc.
  15. haha it is mate, it was three months ago! I ended up getting high (stinking our our entire hotel floor), walked for an hour looking for a bagel place at 4am, eventually found one, asked a milf in the store if she wanted to come home with me, and then told the shopkeeper that he had overcharged me and demanded that he call the police. He did, and I soon realised that telling a cop that I had been overcharged whilst stinking of weed was probably not the best idea. As I said, great night!
  16. My career in the rap game was very short lived, it consisted of me having a rap battle in the middle of Harlem, realizing that I couldn't actually battle, telling the person who I was battling with that he had bitten his lines from an early Mobb Deep song (he actually had, it ended up saving me to be honest), drunkenly pushing that person when he denied it, and then being crammed into a taxi and vowing to myself that I would never do that again. Still, good night.
  17. Go back to your rap circle and discuss this further. This thread is about Kanye West's new album so how about we let people talk about that. 50 cent is shite.
  18. You are such a condescending ogre. I know hip hop sunshine, believe me, I live for it in fact (have rap legends such as Grand Daddy IU praised YOUR hip hop blogs!? no? WELL THEN! MWAHAHAHAHA.) I just think that he is pretty poor and he does indeed sound like he is rapping with a cock in his mouth. Oh and I have heard all his stuff and I still think he is poor.
  19. You think that Kanye is lyrically outstanding? Come on, mate....
  20. I question that. His lyrical flow, for instance, is pretty poor in my opinion. Not a very talented lyricist. He has some bangers but that is more to do with the producer than 50 cent himself. Three classic albums!? fucking hell. Kanye is an extremely talented producer, but he too is an atrocious rapper.
  21. I just don't like it, mate. Our views differ on the subject obviously. It just annoys me when some retard who knows fuck all about hip hop (usually someone who regards him as the best ever) recites a lyric from him not realising that he had just bitten the rhyme from some obscure (non commercial) 90's tune. Not many of his fans (certainly not his new-school fans, mostly teenagers) will know, for instance, that a lot of his lyrics in 99 problems are taken directly from a UGK song.
  22. He certainly isn't the only one, but he is certainly the worst culprit. He does it in nearly every song (as I say, that song could have gone on for much longer). There is also a difference between referencing another rappers lyric (often a well known lyric that everyone knows) in your song (as a sign of respect), and referencing ridiculously obscure lyrics and basically passing them off as your own.
  23. I like Jay Z (his older stuff, I think his new stuff is pretty shitty), but I lost a hell of a lot of respect for him when I heard this. You guys will probably also lose a lot of respect for him when you hear it. The song could have gone on for 20 minutes! I also don't like that he bigs up Biggie all the time yet rarely mentions other, less glamorous rappers, who had a far greater impact on his career than Biggie ever did.
  24. Well boys I am chuffed, Lord Finesse and Grand Daddy IU (who have performed with and produced for the likes of Biggie, Nas, Big L, Dr Dre, Fat Joe, Diamond D, Jay-Z etc etc) have both written to me and said they liked my blog....or, as IU put it, "I FUX WITH THIS BLOG, REAL HIP HOP"...I am over the moon.
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