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Everything posted by elvis

  1. Vinegar is pretty useful, i can pop round and put some on if you like!
  2. Ha ha, nice one , they are and always have been absolute dogshit of the highest order A couple of catchy tunes early doors and continued to fool half the world that they were as good as the beatles . There are stacks of better bands around . Starsailors debut album was way better than anything oasis did , but because they werent overhyped and didnt get to hang around with Paul weller they didnt get the recognition they deserved, The verve were also miles better. Them Gallaghers are a pair of shits.
  3. Fuckin good post , i cant wait to see fergusons scarlet face when Madrid walk off with the plastic face fucker. It's a compliment to the standard of players we have, and we always seem to produce, but I am more than confident Cristiano will be with us next year." Ferguson yesterday, what an utter twat.Like he produced ronaldo.
  4. elvis


    Extra suitcase a snip at £16 each way.
  5. The answer is loads loads of sex, try the entire population of the GF You should probably start with me , as i just had the most rigorous shower ever .And the others probably smell a bit.
  6. Patrick , dear boy it is a delicacy i tell you.
  7. Is the right fuckin answer.
  8. Today i have had the misfortune of laying a nice new wooden floor in the smelliest , dirtiest , most vile fucking house i have ever seen, in all my years The place was absolutely rank! The woman was fat, smelly and god-ugly I was actually wrenching just weighing the job up, she couldnt understand why i kept disappearing to the van without actually doing anything , i just couldnt bear the thought of spending the afternoon in that stinking pit. Anyway somehow i mustered the courage to get the work done and leave. I couldnt wait to get home and in the shower to wash the smell away. Never again will i enter that house again The end.
  9. elvis


    so , just to recap...you're not happy , is that correct?
  10. elvis


    I dont think you can if you have cases.
  11. elvis


    Cheap flights have pros and cons, we cant have it all ends up.
  12. elvis


    Cheesr johnny, is there any way of knowing how full the flight is other than trying to book a dozen or so people on same flight?
  13. Does anybody know if you get to board first with kids on ryanair, or do you have to pay ?
  14. My mothers cousin was a member of thet team, but he died in 2001, i think .
  15. Thanks , people i think i need to shop some more.
  16. I have sunflower seeds and chopped nuts, but no sunflower seeds. Why didnt you tell me earlier. Negged. Nah , not really. .
  17. Yeah , good one RJ, but the cock ups are fooking scary.
  18. Tonight Paul ,masterechef, i shall be eating moroccan style lamb chops together with boiled and roasted jerseys with blackpepper, and would like to do some rice to go with it . Question is , do you have any rice ideas to compliment Moroccan lamb ? I have plenty of herbs and spices etc
  19. When i was listening to the radio coverage of the fuel strike i thought to myself , christ i bet Lurtz is onto this one. I was right. I bet he sounds like a daily mail reporter , i thought I was right. The sooner these cunts driving hgv's like bumper cars frightening the life out of ordinary motorists, the better.
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