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Everything posted by kidney

  1. Thought i'd strayed threads here.........
  2. Watched today, Rachel looked ace,I think she has trimmed some weight off. However thats not what why i'm posting, I have decided that I dont like Nick Hewers 'style' at all. It comes across all a bit awkward, infact today there seemed to be some tension/awkwardness between him and the black contestant..very weird. His presentation is disjointed, his attempts at comedic asides are woeful and his tete a tetes with Rachel are embarrassing. Alexander Armstrong would have been/would be brilliant.
  3. Watched this earlier and am confused and stunned. Can someone tell me, am i right in saying that the man and woman had a normal hetro sex life but now he is getting a vagina and so forcing his wife to become a lesbian? He (she) has to open her pussy every day in life with a dildo because body thinks its a wound and would heal up! This is not normal....... discuss
  4. I like her pink lips.......
  5. Thought you could only do it once.(thats the case here in NI) On mine they made you feel like a moron. Made everyone stand up and say who they were, how old, what the crime was,why you did it and what car you were driving. Embarrassing. Good thing was that there 24 people on the course and 21 were female.
  6. Happened to catch a late night music programme that had people signing the songs. WTF
  7. Classic first paragraph. Great stuff again Dave! Made up that Cain got to final following in the footsteps of his father in 1982.
  8. http://www.kate-upton.com/wp-content/gallery/three-stooges-screens-dec2011/kate-upton-3st-3.jpg
  9. http://www.kate-upton.com/wp-content/gallery/three-stooges-screens-dec2011/kate-upton-3st-3.jpg
  10. help me, the picture keeps disappearing
  11. Sorry, I'm a bit flustered trying to get these pics up!
  12. Anyone know how i can delete last few posts?
  13. Stunned by our meek/weak response and failure to rebuff Slur! Would not be surprised to see both Kenny and Luis go in the summer. Some people at our club are missing a spine and some bollocks.
  14. Arrys defence in court for the last month has been 'i'm fick and stupid'........... cant wait to see him as england manager.... :-)
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