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That was the Week that Was (Jan 29 - Feb 3 2024)



Monday Jan 29:


Virgil said something about not knowing what his future holds and it was turned into a much bigger deal than it should have been. I read his comments and thought it was more or less what you’d expect from a player in his mid 30s with only 18 months on his contract and not knowing who the manager was going to be next season.


It was interpreted as him saying “I might leave if FSG don’t get the appointment right” but I took it as him saying he doesn’t know what’s going to happen because the club might not give him the contract he wants and the new manager might not want to commit that kind of money on a 35 year old. He’s right to say there’s uncertainty but I don’t think that him saying he might want to leave because Klopp is going.


There is uncertainty in a lot of areas though, not just because of Klopp but because we have no sporting director either. This is the time of year when deals for the summer are sounded out and put in place, and we have no-one to do it and everyone who we might want to bring in will be wanting to know who the manager is going to be. We were linked with some Belgian kid today for £5m but we can’t do it because of uncertainty over the SD and manager and he’s meant to be joining Brentford.


Can’t say I’m arsed about that as we’ve got more boss young players than we know what to do with, but this does need sorting sooner rather than later because we can’t be getting to the summer with Trent only having one year left. Not arsed about Virgil or Mo as at their age it’s fine to get down to the final year, but we can’t be fucking Trent about. I’m not saying he wants to leave as I was told today by someone who spoke to him recently that he’s saying he wants to stay here his whole career and dreams of being captain, but Gerrard thought that way too until he was left hanging when he thought a new contract was coming and started to think about moving elsewhere. I’m not going to relax about Trent until he’s tied down for another four or five years.


Meanwhile, the Mancs yesterday at Newport was the perfect example of why they’re so fucking shit. Look at Antony smugly celebrating his first goal in 9 months, against a league two side. Utterly shameless and lacking in any self awareness. This is why they fail. The culture stinks. Rashford wasn’t there because he got shitfaced in Belfast the night before he was due back at training and phoned in sick. The whole thing is disgusting. Why is he in another country the night before he’s back at training? Because he had a private jet to fly him back, that’s why. Saint Marcus and his Brontosaurus sized carbon footprint. Didn’t I tell you months ago he’s a fucking fraud? The Mancunian Henderson.

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