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Everything posted by Pureblood

  1. £50m, no less. Ian Ayre is holding a thermal detonator.
  2. What makes you think this? He's no paragon of virtue. He's talking about managing LFC while Brendan is still in the job. That lacks respect and is an of example poor professional integrity, in my opinion. He has also been repeatedly fined for yelling at officials.
  3. You've missed out Diana Princess of Wales. If Rodgers hadn't abandoned his 3-4-2-1 she'd still be with us and the Newcastle game wouldn't have been annoyingly postponed. Goodbye, England's rose.
  4. False what? If Rodgers hadn't played Emre Can at right back then there wouldn't have been a spike in the space time continuum, the butterfly wouldn't have flapped its wings, Katrina would have been a light gust and Old Orleans would still be with us. He has a lot to answer for.
  5. Next you'll be saying Rodgers is responsible for ISIS and that crash on the Smiler.
  6. There are plenty of other threads specifically designed for having a go at Rodgers. Must you bring it to this one?
  7. He's shown glimpses that he's not very good. Another one in the fail column for transfer guru Brigant Molloch.
  8. You said you didn't want to discuss anything with me ever. Leave me alone.
  9. Another popular misconception. Fingers, wrist, both arms, shoulder and the whole body (the pivot) combine to impart spin.
  10. It's wrist spin, numb nuts. Leg spin is merely one element of wrist spin bowling.
  11. Have you tried rebooting?
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