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Everything posted by DavetheRave

  1. The dozy fuckin bitch blew me out big time for that fucking twat Kev Seed so I could hardly ask if I could take her picture could I? I totally got knocked back. She is beatutiful though mate. Naturally beautiful like Charlise Theron/ Michelle Pfeiffer with dark hair rather than a Pam Anderson/Jordan type. BUT the dozy fucking cunt must be getting good snort of her man cuz she thinks he is a "Great Guy". She'll fucking learn. Seemed a nice kid otherwise. Poor bitch she'll want me, one day watch this space she will want me!
  2. Do not try and do it yourself, I did and totally fucked it up and a little job ended costing fuck loads to put right.
  3. Far east, exchange rate means you get more for your money and Phuket amazing all inclusive
  4. I hate them as much as the next Red but I actually like the fact we have two big clubs on Merseyside and am delighted that they put a stop to the chance the Mancs had of 5 trophies. The fact they are owund up by us is just because they have struggled in recent years. Bring back the 80's! I hope they win the FA cup as they haven't bought a squad like Chelsea and would like to see the Mancs as Merseyside parades the trophies they covet.
  5. Ok, I will say what happened. I tried, used my best witty lines, my cheeky chap smile, I charmed the fucking birds from the fucking trees. I worked my fucking arse off. What did I get- sweet fuck all. The stuck up bitch said she was involved with somebody and when I asked if he was fucking local the cunt said it wasn't my business and he was a great guy. Great Guy my feckin arse in the words of Jim Royle. The man is a wife beating coke head cunt, She might be stunning but if she can't see quality she can kiss my huge cock, but that is what I wanted :). So lads I tried and failed miserably, like the Blue shite will in the FA Cup final. Here endeth my attempt. So Mr Seed after all that I must say to you with the upmost sincerity Seed you won, you get the girl, but I got a job!
  6. Haha bag of shit on his head and my tongue in his missus mouth and me in intensive care the next bleeding day! Where do you drink Phoenix?
  7. You are right about them on Wednesday. When the shit hits we are all scousers. Come on you Blues ( I feel a bit ill now!)
  8. Did I mention her arse? Wanted to bend her over there and then! Anybody got any good pics of famous blokes birds they'd do?
  9. That is quality! Who would ever have the nerve to say Do you know who I am, unless you are Barrack a fucking Bama :) I'll look out for them and get a picture. Picture the scene... Kev Seed walks in, shaking hands with the bouncers, laughing loudly so everybody knows he has assived. Heads turn and as they are about to turn away there she is..brown hair bouncing like her tits, big eyes sparkling, smile lights up the room, laughing with her mate. Me and my two mates just leaned against the wall, pints in hand and watched her picturing her starring in our collections till last orders- priceless! Mates reckon seen her there before but on her own- guess where i'll be drinking now.
  10. WD used to better about 10 years ago. Now full of lads wanting to be gangsters and girls wanting to be WAGS. Suppose we were the same back in the days!
  11. I will let him buy me a drink in the Hares tonight, shake his hand. Don't hate him....... hate the things he has done and the attitude
  12. And why does the nosey receptionist want to know what the matter is? Is she a bloody doctor?
  13. Ha ha good point. Let them think its xmas- Wembley twice, spend a fortune, ...SWEEET
  14. Mmmmm but its all we will hear for the next 10 years!
  15. I am stuck between my desire to see the blue shite crying the long drive back or seeing the manc get beat? is this a win win or lose lose for us?
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