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Everything posted by ratcatcher

  1. I just heard someone suggest on the news that Labour needs to shift more to the left to win an election. Yet another misguided person who think people voted tory because Labour was proposing policies that were not left enough. When will these people ever realise?
  2. And Ive explained to you the people on here who have voted or said they would vote to remain in the EU per se. There's an option to stay depending on what cameron negotiates. At the last time of viewing 100% of people had voted to stay in. Not a single one of them had, at that time said stay in depending what cameron negotiates. You might want to believe if the single currency is non negotiable by the EU that people will vote to withdraw. I wouldnt bank on that. You do. Time will tell. As for your ludicrous assertion merkel is cacking it, hahaha, yeah, that's why she's already let davie know she isnt going to give the UK any concessions to vote Yes. Sure she's cacking it, in your dreams that is.
  3. Good luck with that because probably Germany and France will kick back on any caveats to the UK. Merkel has already indicated she isnt for giving in to UK demands and the French traditionally oppose any concessions to the UK. So no, I dont think you do understand their position despite your rather pompous and arrogant comment that 'I dont think you do.' The position Im seeing is a majority of people here saying 'Im voting to stay in.' They arent saying 'Im voting to stay in so long as.......' as the poll results clearly show. So you're talking guff going on about britain will leave if its forced into the single currency etc because that's not what people are saying here is it? I could go on but I find your type of debate with 'straw men' and the 'I know better than you' crap to be a load of bollocks.
  4. You're away with the fairies if you think a Yes vote will maintain the status quo with the EU. It wont. You seem to think the EU welcomes us and is more than happy with the UK membership. It doesnt. The EU wants more integration not less. It doesnt want a small number of members to opt out of centralist policies. Integration means single currency, it means the ECB setting EU wide fiscal policy and interest rates, VAT rates etc. If you think that the EU partners will not see a Yes vote strengthening their hand in their determination to push the UK kicking and screaming towards these policies and continue giving the UK caveats, then, you are severely misguided. Answer me this question; If the UK votes overwhelmingly Yes to stay in the UK, why do you think the EU will not see this as confirmation and an opportunity to push to signing up to the single currency and monetary union, including the ECB setting fiscal policy that affects the UK over the BoE?
  5. United had looked at torres for a few years but didnt rate him enough to make the move.
  6. We need players who can make an impact on the PL first and foremost.
  7. There was a referendum on PR during the last Parliament that the Lib Dems wanted. It was lost unfortunately.
  8. He always comes across as a vote winner to me. Talks sense, isnt wrapped up in the past, not tainted by so called failed regimes. I dont get this idea some are suggesting that someone should be discounted because they have ambition or want to be a leader. That shows confidence and I'll take that everyday over someone who gets in by default or because people dont like the cut of the jib of the other candidates. Do that and you end up with a john major type, no thanks.
  9. Are you playing devil's advocat or do you seriously not see the situation as mentioned? By the referedum vote being a 2 way street I mean while the yes vote would confirm membership, people seem to think that the EU, will carry on giving the UK caveats or give new caveats in exchange for the Yes vote. But this position is wrong. The powerhouses in the EU and indeed many of the lesser partners, are tired of the UK's constant whinging, attempts to block as they see it further integration etc. They will likely take the Yes vote as a confirmation that they dont need to offer the uK any concessions or caveats. They'll play hardball in proposing or even forcing the UK to sign up to things like the single currency, ECB control over interest rates etc. The single currency has brought about low economic growth and increased unemployment through many member states yet you think a Yes vote will mean the UK can continue to be outside it. Sorry, but its not me who's away with the fairies here.
  10. Yeah and if you had a basic understanding of realities, you'd realise Merkel etc isnt going to offer any caveats no matter what or how the in \ out question will be worded. If you're going to be mug enough to vote on in \ out based on how its worded without any realisation of what the powerhouses in the EU are doing, good for you. Seems a very naive position to me. With regard Norway and Switzterland, the point I was making is that both countries are doing very well and havent adopted the scare tactic of johnny foreigner you rabidly mention. They are neither in nor out of the EU and operate in a kind of place that suits them. You think the tories will offer two bites of the in \ out cherry? Dream on.
  11. And its 20% in the UK. While a unified rate may not be 27%, Id wager it would be higher than 20 and more likely 25%. That's increased prices in the UK at a stroke. But never mind because everyone in the EU is paying the same VAt rate even though wages and economies may be vastly divergent.
  12. Well Merkel and co are actually in no mood to offer caveats even now in exchange for a Yes vote so anyone who thinks they will be on the table after one is severely misguided. The pressure to sign up to the single currency will be immense after a Yes vote. I wonder if Norway and Switzerland sit in their little castles and mumble about johnny foreigner? People seem to be thinking the EU isnt a driver of austerity. Er, think again. Relocation of industries will be small beer if EU driven austerty measures are forced into being. Hey ho.
  13. A junior shadow minister and to be frank, annonymous. Obviously not a block to the top job in the party but unlikely. Chukka gets my vote.
  14. It wont make a difference right now, maybe not even next year or the year after. But policy will be developed and changed to be more in tune to what the electorate want. And then it will matter.
  15. But the 1 may become a bigger problem when juncker is setting a unified VAT rate or interest rates etc and you will be bailing out some other member states who have been feckless with their domestic tax collection and spending policies. Its ok people thinking the current halfway house of EU membership we seem to enjoy is good and that's as far as our integration will go. But, dont forget, a referendum is a two way street. A Yes vote will be seen by the rest of the EU, especially Germany and France plus others, that they dont need to offer the 'concessions' currently given to the UK. It will probably green light them to play very hardball. All this 'we've been ignoring the bits we dont like' wont be an option after a Yes vote. Some people seem to be under the impression nothing will change. I think they'll be in for a rude awakening.
  16. A good post but I have to disagree about Chukka's chances. UKIP voters arent going to sway Labour membership voters. Within the party, members may (and I say that without foundation), may be put off Chukka because of his background and being well spoken. In other words a different kind of 'not one of us' but nothing to do with skin colour. I also dont see the problem nationally for Chukka to be voted in as PM. UKIP's vote wont hold up now farage has quit and always presuming he doesnt stand again. For UKIP, read nigel farage. Their candidates have shown during the election they were all pretty much loose cannons and farage had to go fire fighting. So no, I dont see 'race' being an issue to get Chukka to be PM. As regards Blairite Labour, I was and am a huge supporter of Tony. People who want to drag the party back towards Clause 4, mass re nationlisation, unilateralism etc are dinosaurs and would see the party forever in Opposition. The vast majority of people do not support these 'hard' left policies. There are signs the electorate are even rejecting 'soft' left policies at least in England. With my work, I travel around the country and see people of all ages and backgrounds. Its depressing seeing so many young people ie those aged 20 to early 30's who are tories in their outlook. They are thatcher's children's children. They think tories are the only sensible party. In turn they are having kids and if they are passing on any political persuasion to them, you can be sure its toryism. That is a massive obstacle for Labour to overcome if it ever wants to return to government.
  17. The Labour Party wouldnt get elected today even if they had 326 tony benn clones. People arent voting tory (or SNP) just because they dont see Labour as not being left wing enough. (Apologies for the double negatives!)
  18. Ah but you'll have your referendum vote to stay in the EU and if you vote yes..........
  19. Yes, indeed you're correct. But its hardly being 'in' the EU when you reject the bits you dont like forever and a day. And, be wary of what you wish for. A vote to stay in could see pressure from the rest of Europe for the bellicose brits to accept the single currency, the ECB's control of finance and setting interest rates not to mention Mr Juncker and cuts to the rebate etc.
  20. Well I hope everyone who wants to stay 'in' is more than happy to sign up to the single currency, the ECB's control of finance, cuts to the rebate and Junker's vision for Europe. Or do people think its ok to be in the party but ignore the bits you dont like?
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