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Everything posted by Kepler-186

  1. The latest incarnation and its acolytes have got everything stacked in their favour, but want more and more. It’s a global thing, suppressing human rights and dignity while destroying the planet. I guess in the past pre Internet you only had your part of the world to reference, but it’s a global struggle now.
  2. So dodgy, isn’t it! Saw this on Twitter couple of days ago about it.
  3. All good points there. Funny how India gets a pass isn't it? Gotta keep that China and Russia obsession going. This is a good read about India. https://roarmag.org/essays/indias-farmers-protests/ 
  4. I just watched a vox type interview by JOE on Twitter from Bolsover. Obviously these types of things suffer from the confirmation bias of the media, but still the political naivety is staggering. Uphill battle to avoid the worst of what they’ve got planned amid the smokescreen of COVID and Brexit.
  5. That Kate Andrews has spouted this sort of stuff all over BBC politics shows over the years, including when Brillo Head himself Neil was on Daily Politics and it was produced by Robbie Gibb who fucked off to help out the May regime. Wonder how the now 6 million UC claimants and their families will afford an insurance based model in the future, if they get their way?
  6. An article on the end of the US’s War on (Islam) Terror following Biden’s election. Raises some interesting points. https://noahpinion.substack.com/p/the-end-of-the-war-on-islam-759?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYwODk5MCwicG9zdF9pZCI6MzIzMTAyODMsIl8iOiJmdzlCdiIsImlhdCI6MTYxMjc3MTk4OSwiZXhwIjoxNjEyNzc1NTg5LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzUzNDUiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.qrTSMAn1QUfw5bSFgS64t7U_nVXexIsqJYwwelGnH_4&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share
  7. A good article about the state of U.K. at present. Could have put it in a couple of threads, really. https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/under-boris-johnson-britain-is-quickly-sinking/?fbclid=IwAR3KTdjFlEKHwWTQ-HWs1AVxkKoz5NTLeNk7XtyDQSsugfMJmT33Yswtl44
  8. Truly depressing how accurate this post is. This link reflects it, too https://simonduffy.info/blog/colonialism-version-3
  9. This might be of interest to some. https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2021/01/28/stop-the-game-i-want-to-get-off/
  10. Seething to put it mildly. Going to be massively attritional season and but for a highly controversial decision at the end, we’d have found a way to win.
  11. Would normally read a match report as soon as it’s off the press, but like everyone I’ve been seething about Saturday, and not read until now. Still angry, and it’s worse knowing the diagnosis on Virgil.
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