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R Kid

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Everything posted by R Kid

  1. The smallest IQcan see through that argument The total number of nuclear weapons in the world is going down, there has recently been a paper signed with the Russians to reduce the number. and for the record the Iranian people didn't vote their government in they had the election robbed off them and people where killed in the street. By the sounds of it you also vote for the BNP as you share the same views as them. Dont see where I have hypocrited myself?
  2. I feel the same about you and your left wing views, but I don't hold it against you, I appreciate your opinions and respect them, you are entitled to them. but I have enjoyed the debate, hopefully we can still find stuff to agree on in other threads maybe.
  3. I am going to end this discussion now as we are going to just end up going around in circles. I have enjoyed this discussion but I don't feel we can gain anything other by continuing with this discussion, numeronueve it has been fun and maybe we can do it again sometime. Respect!
  4. No it's not that, you are using you opinion as a fact and you can'tor wont accept that, and therefore you are saying that I have a lack of knowledge. Wrong your being ignorant, you are showing contempt for a factual base by not accepting that you have no facts they are just opinions.
  5. How many years ago did Al Qaeda help them fight a war against the soviets, it doesn't mean they are still our allies does it. My point being the Taliban are not the innocents you make them out to be. Not judging Muslims,and for the record any muslim will tell you that the Taliban don't represent muslims. We live in a world that is trying to get shut of it's nuclear weapons we aren't building our nuclear arsenals up are we. The activity in the nuclear facilities is there as a direct result of activity that is associated with the ceration of nuclear weapons. And one of my own: Are the people who protested against their election being robbed in Iran wrong and they should be thankfull of their government?
  6. Trying to create a smoke screen of knowledge when in fact you have none. Like wise if the Taliban was not a threat to our country then we wouldn'tbe there. Likewise do you really belive the wooly minded liberalism that you have created in your little utopia? that would be the propoganda that is being created by Al Qaeda, we are wrong they aren't. I am not ignorant, I haven't called you ignorant so there is no need to get personal. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me ignorant, and for you to call me ignorant and to get personal in fact makes you ingnorant. I am not spewing out no buillshit I have read in the press, you just either don'tlike the fact that I don't agree with you or your getting personal by creating lies to make yourself look more intelligent . And your welcome to that, I wont hold it against you after all we are all entitled to our opinions
  7. I am not going to get into an arguement with you all Iam going to say is we will have to agree to disagree. I don't believe the conspiracy theory that the CIA made up Al Qaeda. My reference to 9 / 11 was in response to your reference to people dieing in Afghanistan, why don't they come into the equation? And why is it that we are there just to exploit their minerals, why can't we be there to help them? I appreciate that your entitled to your opinion and believe that you are not doing it for a selffish reason, but believe me when I say this I stand by what I have said, and do it from an informed point of view. I don't believe what I believe in for my own personal gain, i believe in it cause i believe it to be the right thing, and I say this as a god fearing christian. And for the record they have proof that Iran are enriching uranium for weapons because the activity in their nuclear facilitys would only be there if they were making weapons.
  8. I don't consider myself wrong, and I also have studied the war as well and i am very clued upon the war and it's furtheer reaching consequences. Account for waging a holly war against the west, and for not comming to the table and discussing peace terms? For wanting to wipe Israel of the face of the planet, and for wanting to develop nuclear weapons, and why it wants nuclear weapons. It has made our country less safe because we will not negotiate or bargain with terrorists. If we give into terrorsists then they will do it all the more. . your now getting personal for the reason I presume your losing the argument. I don't read the mail and never have, I have made my own mind upon these things using my own opinions not the opinion of one man that I will regurgitate Just because you would like to live in your little utopian commune, doesn't mean everyone else would.
  9. No I am also hot, George Clooney has fuck all on me!
  10. Do you not think tho'that you would get cunts no matter what system we have, do you not think that some people are just plain greedy. I think the same as you, I just happen to think that what your talking about is not a symptom of capatalism, I think it's just human nature.
  11. So Israel has nothing to do with it then does it, and once again poor old Iran what poor innocents they are. Everyone in this country can just fuck off cause we are the evil in the world we are all going to rot in hell. And for the record if you was just using nuclear technology for electricty then you wouldn't be doing what they are doing. Ask yourself a question are the people who demonstrated in Iran when their election was stolen were they also wrong? You what!?!?!?!?!? they are the ones who are protecting him on pane of death! The last people that were there just upped sticks and left, we can't just get up and go cause the Taliban will just sit and wait, then when we have gone it will be business as usual. What I am talking about is the innocent people that died during 9 / 11, don't they count in this argument?
  12. This is the point of my argument with this war, I get annoyed by the way that people always seem to jump to the conclusion that we are in the wrong. Why aren't the Taliban being held to account? Why isn't Iran being held to account? I happen to think that capatalism is the best system out there and I am glad we live in a capatalist democracy, I also don'tconsider myself to be a bad person. So when I see people going on all the time about what we have done and don't stop and say wait a minute, what if what is being said is true. Maybe we are just there to make OUR country a safer place and the reason that the country isn't safer is because radical Islam is waging a wholly war against us. The thing is though they use propaganda as well but people seem to think that they are speaking truthfully. Maybe the people of Afghanistan would like to walk around a shopping mall, maybe they would like to be able to have sky sports, maybe they would like to drive cars and not have to live hand to mouth. God knows the people in India, China and Russia would. What if I was in Afghanistan and there was some cunt in charge who would make me grow a beard, stop my mum from going to get a job, maybe I would be glad that someone was here to help me out of poverty. Maybe you don't agree with what I have just written but that is the way I see it. I don't see capatalism as the evil that it is made out to be, I don't think it's perfect, but that is my opinion and therefore my right. I can have opinions like that in this country and it doesn't matter, but the people in Afghanistan couldn't and can't while radical Islam is the rule of law there.
  13. I never mentioned Iraq and the Iran nuclear program is not geared towards power they are enirching uranium in a way that is only used to create nuclear weapons. And like I like I said Al Qaeda are waging a wholly war against the west, and the Taliban are their allies in that war. Unlike the Nazi's we aren't planning on staying in Afghanistan, and the Nazi's would have arrived and told us to deal with it end off. And your reference to the Taliban just protecting themselves well what about the people who died during the 9 / 11 attacks.
  14. Listen right I never said that any Afghani had ever attacked the west. I never said that they went to war to give women rights soley. Afghanistan is being used by radical Islam to groom young men, and to harbour the leaders of Al qaeda and the drug money was and is also being used to fund terrorsit cells throughout the world. As part of winning the hearts and minds of the Afghani people they amongst other things have given rights to women, they have opened schools for kids, cinemas have also been opened. You can't just go into Afghanistan and expect the peopel of Afghanistan to jump and support NATO and tell the Taliban to fuck off as they have been shit on before and they are the people who have to live under the Taliban when we go. The reason everyone want to see if they can get some factions of the Taliban the moderate Taliban which we can call tribal leaders is because they are the people who hold real power in the country. People seem to think that it is the west that always starts these situations. Al Qaeda is opposed to the west having a military presence in the middle east but the only reason that the west has a military presence in the middle east is because of: Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait Iran is developing Nuclear weapons, a nuclear deterent will only work if your enemy knows you are prepared to use them, so why do you think Iran wants a nuclear weapon? They don't want it to adorn the mantle piece.
  15. You also haven't given facts you have also given opinions. So I am going to say yor not very clued upon the war and have just quoted one mans opinion.
  16. Nueve we are going to have to agree to disagree I am clued upon the war in Afghanistan, just because I don't agree with your opinion dosn'tmake me uneducated on the war. And for the record I never said that any Afghani had ever attacked this country.
  17. Not saying that war or killing is correct but you can't bury your head in the sand and pretend nothing is wrong. The world isn't a perfect place and I am not saying 2 wrongs make a right so sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. What would you propose we do?
  18. It is a war aim, to win the war we must win hearts and minds, kids can now get an education. Afghanistan is a failed state and will remain failed and while it is like that it will be a launch pad for terrorist attacks. The country has large reserves of minerals but the people are the poorest in the world that can't be right. Maybe not but when innocent people are dying in this country as a result of something happening on the other side of the world then it is our problem. Lets not forget the opium that is comming into this country that is grown there. The reason why it is grown there is because the farmers get more money for that than anything else, if like I said the country can stop being a failed state then things improve for us and them so it's mutually inclusive. The reason why Karzia was un oppsed because the Taliban were bombing polling stations so the opposition withdrew.
  19. That is true the West did actually back the Taliban originally, and it's not the first time we have in the past backed our future enemys Yes there is that law but woman can now be educated, and they do have other freedoms that they don't have now. If we go then things for women will never improve but don't forget Rome wasn't built in a day. Like I said the term Taliban is a very loose term and is not all encompasing. What they want to do as well as NATO is get some of the Taliban on board so that we can start to get out.
  20. I should also add that you abviously dont know about the girls from Liscard!
  21. There are a few rumours that we are being linked with Crouch, I think if we can keep Torres and get crouch then we may very well finish 4th.
  22. You must have lead a very sheltered life if you think thats BS, that really did happen, and I didn't even think it was the worse thing that would be posted.
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