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Everything posted by briefs

  1. Awesome Stumpy. Have some rep. EDIT: Nope, I owe you one instead. Now, the third key .... hmmmmm.
  2. Right, I have no clue what to do with my code from the good luck letter. If anyone other than 'Fungus the Clue Teaser' figures it out, please tell me what the answer is. I can't take anymore.
  3. The most annoying thing is that I'm playing this on my work computer while waiting for my ride home .... so I will have to start all over again when I get in.
  4. Use the penknife to prise it off the back of the speaker in the noisy thing.
  5. .... which fits in one slot on the black box in the briefcase.
  6. Thankyou. That just saved the computer from a death by throwing.* *from my office window.
  7. I'm starting to think Fungus invented this creation of pure torture as he is the only one who knows anything about it. Pfffft.
  8. When I click on the eject it just makes a noise ... should it open or something?
  9. Eject won't work for me. Rubbish. I hate this thread.
  10. What noisy thing? EDIT: Speakers were off. Muppet.
  11. Ok, I've lost track of everything that has been said. Has anyone put the gold bar on the wooden plank and shone the torch into get a code yet? Sorry if I'm behind.
  12. I'm flying home on Thursday, which I would hate at the best of times. This is just horrible. I hope they find out what happened properly.
  13. Who is this 'MRS LURTZ' you speak of? Pfffft.
  14. Hamibal Necterine Double whammy.
  15. The Chutney Brothers Jimmy Seville Orange Marmalade Barry White Icing Powder
  16. Batter Manilow (I considered Berry and decided it was too obvious) The Yorkshire Pudding Ripper Cherry Blair I think I'm done now, you'll all be pleased to hear.
  17. Fred West Highland Beef Steak
  18. Burt Lambcaster Rod Stewart Bunnie Tyler Martini McCutcheon
  19. Nah. I'm so ready to come home. I've had a great time, but enough is enough.
  20. That's one of the issues Melons. Having a mini nightmare with regards to possibly having to come home early due to a job interview. I don't mind so much as the interview is great (and I get to see RL, of course) but it's a bit of a logistical nightmare as I might have to leave next Weds. I'm also not quite ready to leave in relation to bits of work that need finishing off and I also had lots of things planned for the next two weeks. The interview is worth is though if there is no other option. I'm supposed to be leaving on the 14th June.
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