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Duff Man

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Everything posted by Duff Man

  1. He must be at least 40, though. EDIT - he's 33. Feels like he's been around for ages.
  2. Seems so. Plus, loads of people have just gone back to normal already from what I can see.
  3. Echo the comments about posture and core exercises. They're what made most difference for me. Never tried marijuana for it but a mate uses it for her joint pain and she says it helps a lot (she gets those drops that are available everywhere).
  4. "You used Superman to show you hate gay people". Incredible stuff. Now, were your derogatory comments about gay people fine? Can derogatory comments about minorities ever not be nasty?
  5. Imagine your argument being "your derogatory comment on an internet forum about gay Super Man is clearly hate speech, but my derogatory comments about actual gay people in real life are fine". Seriously, imagine actually making that argument.
  6. Why do you keep bringing this shit into it? It's because you have no argument, isn't it? So again, are you seriously telling us that your derogatory comments about gay people weren't nasty? I mean when are derogatory comments about minorities ever not nasty?
  7. So you were making nice derogatory comments about gay people? You do realise how absurd that is, don't you?
  8. What are you actually talking about? It's pretty telling that you've had to resort to this kind of dismally weak shit isn't it. So again, did you ever use stereotypes when you were making derogatory comments about gay people?
  9. Shall we try again? What's the difference between mine and Rico's stereotyping, and all the other posts on here that have done likewise? And are you seriously saying that all the derogatory comments you've made about gay people in real life have never used stereotypes?
  10. He must be one of their worst ever signings.
  11. Yeah, again, what's the difference between mine and Rico's stereotyping, and all the other posts on here that have done likewise? And are you seriously saying that all the derogatory comments you've made about gay people in real life have never used stereotypes?
  12. Like the fella who makes derogatory comments about gay people in real life? That bloke? Yes I've really missed his support.
  13. We've established that we've both made jokes about gay people, and that we've both stereotyped them. You literally said yourself that we'd both done the same thing. Now, the difference is, that you've labelled me "a massive homophobe" and "a homophobic cunt" on the back of it. So, let's have another go at answering the question you've been dodging all night: is the thing that we've both done, evidence of being "a massive homophobe" and "a homophobic cunt" or not?
  14. I'd absolutely agree with this, by the way, it is serious. But the mad thing is, that's what you've done, not me. So if we're gonna talk about lies, that's fairly big one right there, isn't it?
  15. Hold on, you literally said it was a joke about 10 minutes ago. Is it a joke or is it a comment? "You tell me that’s bad. That I’ve been relentless and constantly making bad jokes. I tell you you’ve done the same thing"
  16. "being labelled homophobic is serious" I mean you're literally liying right there, you daft cunt, because I never did that.
  17. I never labelled you homophobic. You, however, did label me a homophobe. So, answer the question: are they just jokes, or are they evidence of someone being a homophobe?
  18. I'll happily take back constantly and relentlessly. Let's go with however many jokes you think it was. And I didn't accuse you of being homophobic. I said if we used your standard for deciding whether something was homophobic or not, then it definitely would be. Now again, are they just jokes, or are they evidence of someone being a homophobe?
  19. We've both stereotyped gay people. Now, again, is that evidence of someone being a homophobe?
  20. I see, and how did I use them differently to Rico?
  21. Cool. Let's go with that. Now, is that thing, that you've just stated we've both done, evidence of someone being a homophobe or not?
  22. No you can't explain, that's the problem. Is using stereotypes hate speech? Simple question.
  23. Are they just jokes, or are they evidence of someone being a homophobe? Is saying "Tom Daley might do well at the Olympics, even if he is a little bummer" also not leaning into stereoptypes, except with an actual real person as the subject, and not Super Man?
  24. So, is leaning into stereotypes hate speech?
  25. Yes, it's leaning into stereotypes; we've already established that. What's not clear is how it's different from all the casually homophobic jokes on here that do likewise, or indeed how it's different from the derogatory things you've said about gay people in real life.
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