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Everything posted by gkmacca

  1. I still don't get this notion that visiting RedCafe on a regular basis somehow broadens the mind rather than just wastes some time. A Guardian reader reading the Telegraph or Times every now and again: yes, I can see that. But most football forums are semi-literate squabble centres in which one has to re-train the brain to recognise that 'their' probably means 'there' and 'your' possibly means 'you're' before one can even begin to assess who is currently repeating what they say every single damn day and who is just unusually drunk and who is trying to actually contribute a constructive remark - so why one should go through all of that on a manc site as well as one's own site remains a mystery. Self-inflicted masochism? A repressed desire to find kindred spirits? I don't see it's a road out into a bigger and broader world.
  2. What on earth makes you feel the need to fill even a tiny part of your day reading a manc forum? And then speak condescendingly about people who don't? Extraordinary.
  3. Yes it does: you're tying yourself in knots to defend the childishness of the mancs. (And describing those twats who sang 'Fergie must stay' as 'our fans' is a bit, well, RAWK-ish in the sense of speaking for the rest of us, isn't it? Focus on your own club, don't visit rival fans' forums like some neurotic stalker and get on with life. Yes. It's called 'sounding more and more like the mancs'.
  4. Yet more nonsense from Lawro today on Footie Focus: after months of warning that it'll be 'terrible' for Liverpool if Man City finished fourth instead of Spurs, he's just announced it's 'terrible' news for Liverpool that Spurs have finished fourth instead of Man City. In a way he's right on both counts, but it just underlines how he seems to take pleasure from making everything sound as bad as it can be.
  5. On the contrary: quite wrongly. When fans of a club challenging for the title get distracted by some minor incident on another club's fan forum then something has gone badly wrong with THEM. That's what's pathetic, if one has a sense of perspective.
  6. Other fans, with different views, caring just as much but in different ways. Move along. Nothing to see here...
  7. "You talkin' for me? You talkin' for me? You talkin' for me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' for? You talkin' for me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking for?"
  8. So, before we move on to discuss how luvverly JT is, what abaht them Liverpool fans? Are we agreed that this 'Antynwa' geezer is the only sane one among the whole 'orrible lot of 'em? Yes? Yeah. Cos he hates the lot of 'em too. I 'ad 'im in the back of my cab, I did. Straight up...
  9. Has someone stabbed him in the back or has he just passed out mid-sentence?
  10. Special fried rice please. Twice.
  11. What is he supposed to say to question 1? He's already spoken publicly about what he's there to do and how he plans to do it. And is the point of question 2 to get a contrary answer to the one he's also given before? I'm not knocking the ambition, I just think it's prudent in these cases to make sure all the basic questions are phrased carefully so that the recipient can't just refer the sender back to an existing statement.
  12. It's worked quite well at every home match this season.
  13. The Mail is even more schizophrenic than usual when reporting on us at the moment. Part of its pages are full of stories about who Rafa is planning to buy, while other parts concentrate on him leaving. It's like their 'Health' section - the stuff there is always guaranteed to leave readers as quiveringly confused hypochondriacs. This is the footie equivalent.
  14. This is so disingenuous. What about finishing second? That didn't stop Benitez from being abused on here from start to finish by some. If the forums had been around when Kenny was dropping Beardsley and buying the likes of Jimmy Carter he would have been barricaded inside his house with police guards. For god's sake, the man was getting bad enough abuse at Newcastle when he got them to a damn cup final! Fans calling for him to return are like Norman Bates slashing prices on guest rooms for the holiday season.
  15. This is so disingenuous. What about finishing second? That didn't stop Benitez from being abused on here from start to finish by some. If the forums had been around when Kenny was dropping Beardsley and buying the likes of Jimmy Carter he would have barricaded inside his house with police guards. For god's sake, the man was getting bad enough abuse at Newcastle when he got them to a damn cup final! Fans calling for him to return are like Norman Bates slashing prices on guest rooms for the holiday season.
  16. No one is doubting his ability. They're doubting his appetite for an impossible job, and they don't want to read about him being a headwand, a shit Scottish c*** and a disgrace. He has far too much class for the cesspit that football has become, and he's already given far, far, more than anyone has a right to expect of any Red.
  17. Here's Stevie at his new commercial venture, The Elisha Scott Memorial Bar & Bistro: Alex Curran nips to the hairdressers ahead of launch party of husband Steven Gerrard's new bar | Mail Online
  18. Like he did at Celtic? The man doesn't deserve the hassle or the abuse this job involves.
  19. What? Can we offer him something less stressful? That's optimistic.
  20. I can't forget that weird white-lipped look of his at Anfield when he won the title with Blackburn - he looked a bit ill then. I really wouldn't want to see him put himself through the strain ever again, and, as has been said, I'd hate to read the insults on here and elsewhere. He deserves just to take the adulation and enjoy his life with Marina.
  21. This is a stupid rumour spread by the girl Gerrard's been nobbing.
  22. Thanks as usual for the updates, Dynamite, much appreciated.
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