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Posts posted by Bjornebye

  1. Andy Murray saying the Olympics will be his last tournament. 

    God I loved the Olympics in the 90s. I remember staying up for Linford Christie in Atalanta only for the fucker to get disqualified. I still think he was robbed with the second one. 

    Are Russia allowed to compete? Is Haile Gebrselassie still going? 

  2. 2 hours ago, sir roger said:

    She's just covering her and the secret service's arse. Song as old as time. She'll go.

    The questioners are all just grandstanding for the cameras too.

    She should be fired for them not letting him get riddled with bullets 

  3. 1 minute ago, El Dangerous said:

    I turned in to a heavy breathing mess over night two weeks ago. Turned out I have blood clots in both lungs. Manager asked if I could finish the day before taking my sick leave when I handed in the note the massive bellend.

    Christ sounds bad, what’s the cure?

  4. 37 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:

    Was my mam's funeral today. Finally lost her to dementia. She was barely a husk when she went. Cunt of a disease. Played YNWA at the end as she was a lifelong red (she stood on a box in the boys pen back in the day) and for fuck's sake, that song gets me at the best of times. If you're still lucky enough to have your mum with you, give her a hug when you see her. Mums are boss x

    Sorry for your loss mate. X 


  5. 7 hours ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

    I know. I don’t believe that’s what he was doing on that particular occasion though. The majority of stuff since, yes most definitely. 

    But that’s not what we were discussing. It has always been said that he told people to inject bleach to help them get rid of Covid. Which was a lie. If we are rightly going to pull Trump for being a liar, then we need to hold his opponents to the same set of standards. As the old saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right. 



    He suggested injecting disinfectant as a potential cure. What’s hard about that??

  6. 4 hours ago, an tha said:

    Wow. Just wow.


    700m of tax payers money already wasted to send 4 volunteers to Rwanda.

    No money for the nhs and the public services the tory cunts decimated - no money to give hard working key workers a decent rise....But 10bn to waste to appease racists and bigots.

    Thank fuck this has been exposed and killed off.





    Look how the DM have spun it the cunts 


  7. 2 hours ago, SasaS said:


    I'm not trying to say anything, I am trying to understand your point about electability of left wing female candidates vs. right wing female candidates.  

    Well one is generally a massive cunt and the other generally isn’t. Your gut will know which one the cunt is. 

  8. Just now, A Red said:

    It's obvious, it's got every stereotype going on right down to the name. It's a piss take.


    If you were going to bet it was real you wouldn't put much on it.


    Twitter eh?

    Yeah fair enough. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Scott_M said:


    I can’t add more than this.


    They are making a 4th Jurassic World movie, which I groaned at. Then I read Scarlett Johnasson is going to be in it and it got me interested again. 

    the first Jurassic World is decent. I’m sure it was @Fowlers God who reviewed it on here after seeing at the pictures and criticised the plot hahahaha 

    • Haha 1
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