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Posts posted by Bjornebye

  1. 16 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

    They shouldn't have second jobs full stop. It's a full time role already. Osborne was a moron yet had 6 highly paid other jobs, it wasn't for his intellect or his skill set it was entirely for access or former services renders. It's corrupt.

    It’s quite mad isn’t it. You’ve got some of them cunts with two jobs getting subsidised food and people with no jobs who can’t afford food. Society in 2024 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

    I think you've got to write off the core Trump voters now, there's nothing he - or anyone else - could do or say to stop them voting for him. If he gave the defence codes to the Russians they'd say he was being smart. 

    He could execute on of their kids on the lawn and they’d make excuses for him. It’s a cult that’s unfortunately huge and full of genuinely unhinged weirdos. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. On 22/07/2024 at 23:14, Barrington Womble said:

    Someone mentioned earlier about The Bear being the most overrated show on TV. And it's something I broadly agree with. It's a decent watch, but it's talked about like it's revolutionising television and they're doing something ground breaking. I don't see it, it's just a standard work place drama - no different to watching High Laurie play House,  but with better American accents and tomatoes instead of spilled guts. 


    I have just put episode 1 of season 3 on. Fuck me, are they being their own hype. What type of arty shite was that? It was genuinely one of the worst episodes of TV I've ever watched. So bad, I've spent more time reading shite on here. I normally think this show is about a 7, maybe season 1 was a 7.5, but a fucking 0/10 for the start of season 3. I'm not sure I can be arsed going further.


    Jeremy Allen White needs to sort himself out or he's going to ruin when he plays Springsteen for me at this rate. 

    I don’t think it’s necessarily ground breaking but it’s different to most of the stuff that’s gets churned out. Episode 2 is well worth the watch. 


    28 minutes ago, Elite said:

    Presumed Innocent - 8/10


    Thought this was excellent all the way through.

    Yeah enjoying this so far. Can’t believe his wife is from Love/Hate. She’s done well for herself. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

    Le shits!!!






    A Russian chef who has lived in France for 14 years has been arrested on suspicion of plotting with a foreign power to stage “large scale” acts of “destabilisation” during the Olympic Games in Paris.

    I hope he hasn’t been preparing Tuna Tartar!!! 

  5. 6 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

    Technically, it does.  It would help something like 1.1 million children, but there are 250,000 who would cross the line of the official definition of poverty.


    6 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

    For many parents an extra 16 quid would be amazing. This place never ceases to amaze me. 

    @Skidfingers McGonical where did I mention 16 quid taking kids out of poverty? 

    You chose to ignore AOT. 

    Cheers for the rant. A lot more should be done rather than an extra 16 quid at plenty of levels from education right through to better job opportunities and fair play. We won’t disagree on that. 

    As for ranting on my keyboard and never wanting to be wrong, that’s a load of bollocks and is exactly what you’ve just gone and done for about 4 paragraphs. Bravo. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Section_31 said:


    Yeah fair play to him for that, there's nothing wrong with that - but also there's nothing wrong with a leader punishing dissent when the person doing it is aware of the consequences. He's right to stand for what he believes in, and Starmer is right to enforce discipline. 

    fair enough mate but it still doesn’t sit right with me. But of course I’m just virtue signalling eh 

  7. 1 minute ago, Bruce Spanner said:


    No, be angry that children are living in appalling conditions and their lives, and subsequent futures, are being diminished.


    Not having one, now totemic, thing does not mean you will not have many others.


    As posted above lots has already started to be done and should be applauded, is it enough?


    We don't know yet, but it is better, and will be better.


    Last night he went against the whip, despite his views, and knows the consequences of that.


    If it is a matter of conscience, fine, well done, but ultimately it is a futile, performative gesture which diminishes the work already started and plays right into the hands of those who actually don't give a fuck and only want to weaponize it.



    The last paragraph is bollocks to be honest. Maybe if you’re talking about certain anti Labour people but not me. It’s far from performative bollocks. What’s the solution then? What alternative did they offer to stop people with a conscience voting against the whip?? They haven’t done it for shits & giggles. 

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