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Everything posted by magicrat

  1. I have just sunk into massive depression again . Shouldn't have started watching the coverage The Europeans seem very pissed with us and quite rightly so. Open season for right wing nutters across the continent. I am genuinely fearful that if the EU does fall apart we will be in very dangerous waters. Lets hope the reality check the leave cunts get in the coming months when immigrants aren't fucked off home, mosques remain open and jobs are disappearing allows space for a rethink and a second vote, No doubt the pollsters will be on the case almost immediately
  2. I understand the stock markets and the effects its fluctuations can have on pension values. Many people have draw down pensions now and the value of their fund directly their income not to mention dividend payments that form an integral part of their value too .
  3. Their shares form part of millions of peoples pensions . The decline in their share value doesn't punish bankers for historical excesses Its ordinary people, yet again , that will suffer.
  4. I don't necessarily see it as primarily a class thing any longer. Its young people having their ambitions thwarted by greedy baby boomers who own all the property that they cant afford , have decent pensions sorted out and have now voted us out of the EU against the express wish of the younger generations who will pay the price if as likely it goes badly wrong. The role of the press in all this has been appalling I would agree and I wonder with Murdoch whether it was payback time for Cameron .
  5. We were being told that a mentalist Antichrist was just about to unleash Armageddon by our government at the time I vividly recall some arsehole in a pub down in London I worked with at the time crapping on about Nostradamus and how we had to save the world and invade Iraq because he had predicted the rise of Saddam .Mind you with hindsight a 16th century French snake oil salesman was probably more reliable than Blair on the issue of tyrants and the threat they pose.
  6. Which is why we elect governments to make complicated decisions When Mr and Mrs Plows of Clacton were asked by David Cameron to help him sort out the cunts on right of his party Cameron should have paused just for a moment and asked himself "what could wrong?"
  7. I blame his fucking mother letting him go to term
  8. Paddy Ashdown Said at the outset last night he wished could have changed his postal vote. Lazy cunt should have gone to the polls like the rest of us.
  9. I said the same to my kids although I am not quite in my dotage. I said it was morally wrong that pensioners should be making decisions on issues that will mainly have consequences for their children and grandchildren, They were staunchly Remain and feel totally alienated today ; angry and talking about getting out. Personally I am little more sanguine and don't believe this is doomsday . If there is a massive backlash and the economy starts to tank there is going to be political mileage in another vote, Nothing is irreversible for the next 2 years and that's a long time when only yesterday Cameron looked all over the winner and getting ready to crack open the champagne . Farage and cunts like Johnson will be history soon enough, Two other issues strike me as significant, Scotland has a difficult problem as the only nation voting remain, Sturgeon is gagging for another vote on devolution but chances are she will lose whilst oil prices are on the floor, The other major change is that the centre ground of British politics is a now a wasteland . Cameron and Osbournes vision of occupying territory previously occupied by Labour is dead in the water and with the advent of Johnson backed by the right wing Tory loons and Corbyn on the left there is a gaping chasm. I still maintain the majority of people in this country are by nature fair minded moderates and no-one is speaking to them . Out of chaos comes opportunity and right now I cant recall many bigger ones in my lifetime,
  10. The one unexpected result of this is that we could end up with PR. Its not impossible to see the Tories calling a snap election or even losing a confidence vote they are so divided. If Labour decided they had little chance of getting back under FPTP they could throw their weight behind PR and assuming the Tories didn't have an absolute majority it could succeed,
  11. Fair enough but would you take a Labour victory under Benn or another defeat with Corbyn ?
  12. I like Corbyn and respect his integrity but I'm convinced he will do worse at the polls than even Miliband managed. I hate the term un-electable but i think its almost impossbile to see him winning a General Election
  13. He was from the outset mate, Drafting in a few hundred thousand activists to get elected doesn't sit well with 10 million voters that turned out to support the party under Miliband I think last night among many things just demonstrated how little pull he has with traditional Labour support. The Tories should b getting roasted , open civil war over a referendum they called and the Labour party are on the back foot. Mental
  14. I can guarantee they wont touch him with barge poll. His purpose will be as scapegoat for when the economy goes tits up.
  15. Who knows exactly what drove that nutter in Batley to do what he did but the pictures of that bog eyed cunt Farage this morning make me physically sick and do I blame him for some of the more extreme xenophobic outpourings from those in the Leave camp ? Yes I do . He is an utter wanker and he said something this morning about a revolution being achieved without a shot being fired, Short term memory problem there Nigel. Ask yourself if he's a fit person to be telling people to make life changing decisions .
  16. Really What I have seen over the last few months is a fucking circus and the senseless murder of a young, talented public servant,
  17. Tit, Be interested to hear what he says when those living standards get worse as a result of their revolt
  18. This a complete can or worms but how do you fund an organisation like the NHS where its not a finite number? New medicines , new treatments, rising population, increasing life expectancy and an ever more demanding population that can get on the internet and become qualified physicians in half an hour. I think if you spent every penny on the NHS there would still be some people that expected more. I know for some its a line in the sand but I don't see any government , Labour included, that is going to meet the expectations of a large section of the people when it comes to funding the NHS.
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