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Everything posted by dcl

  1. They are going (already) shit themselves in FA beyond.... its JT all over media, everywhere.. he's going to get off... cue anti-Suarez, Liverpool, not the same.... my interpretation like... watch, but I could be wrong...
  2. Other suggestions mean nothing really, I mean, I have a 13 year old daughter, I cant imagine she goes missing, the police give me hope by saying her phone is still being used, and it turns out she's been murdered 3 weeks earlier and the newspapers have been hacking in the phone making space so I think she's alive while she lies in a ditch decomposing... And its seemingly always Murdoch and his filth papers and nothing is done against him or them.. Ill sign off
  3. Apologies, my first ever, ever post Something is seriously, seriously wrong here, i dont think we, the UK, should let this go, Ultimately the corruption and lies will lead back to 1989 and before from these people How can a newspaper organisation agree to deleting messages on a phone which allows her parents to think their child is still alive, even though she has been tortured and murdered, and now it spreads to links to other murdered children Im a Liverpool supporter second, a dad first, and these Murdoch people, they need to be brought down Its so horrendous.... I dont know, pay offs and lets forget it seem really beyond here the point here... Ban the newspapers, boycott them, a campaign to ruin them should go internet wide... or other suggestions will do...
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