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Everything posted by Albertini

  1. Yep she'd definitely get it. Although i wouldn't so no to any of them really but would prefer all of them at once in the same bed. It could make half time at Anfield a lot more interesting than the matches if these ladies were parading up and down the touchline. I could see multiple heart attacks from across the main stand as some of the older regulars struggled to cope with it all. A good marketing opportunity as well. Think of all the demand for official Liverpool cushions that are needed to hide embarrasment as supporters leave the stadium. Or perhaps i'm going into this too much.
  2. I think these are the young ladies we may get to see at Anfield http://www.patriots.com/cheerleaders/index.cfm?ac=photogallery&searchstring=2006swimcal Go on Rick lad, do the deal!! :drool:
  3. Nope i seem to recall that being the reason quoted on YNWA before St John's book came out.
  4. Never been one to agree totally with the bollocks about importerd payers ruining natiopnal leagues. Imported players never seems to have affected Italy too much in major competitions and the exportation of top Brazilians and Argentinians to the European leagues never seems to have prevented them from doing well in WC's.
  5. Wasn't it do with Jari passing on tips to Ivanhoe in training and Ged threw a wobbler. Seems a bit contrived really and i cannot compleltey beleive that is the sole reason Jari was shipped out. Either way he was woefully underused.
  6. Yeah when you look at some of the "powerhouses" that will be seeded. Like Mexico and the US of A. Fifa rankings are the biggest pile of shite ever. Iran, South Korea, USA & mexcio above Germany. Yeah right.
  7. No you're right it doesn't but if he is working for Betis you would think he is nearer to the sources than many people claiming to be in the know.
  8. To be fair to Figaro he runs a translation company in Seville i beleive and he does work for Betis. The story has come apparently from one of the lawyers working there who is close to the president of Betis.
  9. the title to this thread is half finished. the phrase Everton - out of Europe Friday is missing
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