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Strategies for Coping With Stress in College During the Pandemic 

Moving to college is often exciting but worrying for most students. For the first time in their young adult lives, they have to develop practical time management skills while dealing with financial, relationship, and academic issues. Those who have part-time jobs face an even harder time juggling multiple responsibilities. 


According to a recent survey, more than three-quarters of college students undergo considerable stress with emotional and physical manifestations. Owing to the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, being a college student is even more frustrating than ever. Learners are dealing with heightened anxiety and uncertainty. Here are some strategies for coping with stress in college. 


  • Make Sleep a Priority


According to recent studies, students who get enough sleep tend to report improved academic and health outcomes. However, with packed schedules and heightened expectations, it is not uncommon for students to push back their sleep hours as much as possible. They make it a habit to study or party late into the night, missing quality sleep and paying with their health and concentration. 


According to research, well-rested students experience less daytime sleepiness and are less prone to error. They can focus during classes and are more productive when working on tasks. Understand that quality sleep is essential for consolidating memories and allows you to remember what you study. Going to bed immediately after a study session improves your ability to recall short and long-term information. 


Despite the health and educational benefits of sleep, most students still struggle to maintain healthy sleep hygiene. Experts recommend getting at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. In addition, consider creating a sleep schedule to improve your rhythm. 


This will mean going to bed and waking up around the same time every day. Avoid taking caffeine or sugary drinks close to bedtime, and keep your sleeping area clean and cool. Also, consider getting professional assignment help online if you have urgent pending projects. 


  • Practice Guided Imagery


Another powerful strategy to help you unwind after a hectic and stressful day is visualization. This involves using mental imagery to attain a relaxed state of mind. The process is similar to dreaming but is guided by the individual. 


When stressed, our thoughts wander, causing us to feel worried or anxious. During panic attacks, our minds focus on the worry or the problem, playing the worst-case scenario repeatedly. Focusing on the negative increases your stress levels and distorts your perception of reality. 


Through visualization, you get to improve your ability to relax and rest by training your mind to concentrate on more peaceful and soothing imageries. To succeed in a visualization exercise, create a comfortable and organized space. Make sure to eradicate interruptions like electronics or pets.


Choose a quiet place where you are least likely to be disturbed. The exercises are easy and effective for stress relief. Don’t let stress keep you from completing your assignments. You can also order custom assignment writing help from professionals if you feel overwhelmed. 


  • Prioritize Regular Physical Activity 


Exercise remains one of the easiest ways to blow off steam after a busy day in school. Most students already know that exercise is good for their bodies, but they are too stressed and busy to include it in their routines. Here is the fantastic news — exercise acts as a natural stress reliever. And you don’t have to do strenuous routines to enjoy the relaxing benefits of physical activity. Even simple activities like taking walks in the morning or choosing to take the stairs can help. 


Exercise helps students relieve stress by pumping up their endorphins. These are the feel-good hormones that can improve your mood and reduce the adverse effects of stress. The exercise results also mimic those of meditation as it allows the individual to forget their worries and problems momentarily. Focusing on a single task — your body’s motion — will enable you to remain calm and focused on your tasks for the day. Don’t get distracted by urgent projects — order custom UK assignment help online. 


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  • Consider Listening to Music 


The role of music in stress management has attracted considerable attention over the years. According to research, music helps students relax while presenting numerous cognitive benefits and improving learning. When you want to concentrate better and improve your alertness, listen to faster music. 

When feeling down and discouraged, choose upbeat music to help you become more positive and adopt a more positive outlook. On the other hand, slower music helps the mind and muscles relax, making the individual feel soothed. The bottom line is that listening to music works as efficient stress management and relaxation technique. 


This article clarifies a few stress management procedures for busy college students. Avoid stress by working on your time management skills and getting more organized. Also, make sleep a priority and try to exercise at least once a day. Most Importantly, make sure to eat a healthy diet. 

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