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  1. Is withdrawing from society considered a good way to combat depression, then? Is there any evidence that being productive and engaging with the world makes depression worse? Certainly not on both counts to my knowledge.
  2. Oh the old 'I disagree with you therefore you must not know what you're talking about' argument.
  3. Makes me laugh how people earning just over £40k are being described as "rich". You can barely afford to buy an average house with that. In the South East you'd be living in a shoe box. And believe it or not most of us do have to pay for our housing out of our own pockets.
  4. The increase in the higher rate tax threshold affects people earning about £40k. That's your average successful tradesman or bog standard professional. Far from being the super rich out to make a quick buck, these are people who have worked hard over many years to build their careers, they're the everyday people whose everyday toil runs this country. Why shouldn't they be allowed to keep a bit more of what they earn?
  5. I think that lots of people suffering from mental illnesses such as depression would seriously benefit from getting out into the world and being productive. The last thing these people need is to be given an excuse to completely give up engaging with the world. That will just make them worse.
  6. I think that almost everyone is capable of providing for themselves, and would be fundamentally happier doing so than living on hand outs. I think a healthier, more productive society is better for everyone. Anything we can do to promote personal responsibility is a good thing. Bringing up generations to rely on hand outs does nobody any good at all.
  7. I didn't ignore that at all, I acknowledged that there are people who "genuinely need" welfare.
  8. There is certainly a balance to be found between providing welfare for those who genuinely need it and not making welfare so easy to access and so comfortable to live on that perfectly able people choose to go on welfare as a lifestyle choice. That's if we're looking at welfare state as being 'clean' and uncorrupted. The reality is that labour have been using it to buy votes for many years, so it is now a long, long way from being the safety net it was originally intended to be. We need to get tough on benefits to flush out all of the cheats and the feckless. That might mean a very small number of genuine claimants get caught in the crossfire, but it has gone so far in the wrong direction that these occasional unfortunate circumstances are preferable to continuing to bankrupt the country to pay for swathes of people to spend all day down the boozer drinking beer and smoking fags.
  9. I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed anything else. They should be allowed whatever they want in life, they just have to earn it and pay for it themselves like everybody else.
  10. I believe in rationing because I believe the welfare state should be a safety net and not a lifestyle choice. I believe that life on hand outs should be plain and joyless, so as to serve as an appropriate incentive towards getting people back into work, back earning money, feeling good about themselves and enjoying their lives. In that way I do feel rationing is benevolent albeit indirectly. Long term it's certainly going to have a lot more positive impact on people's lives than trapping them into perpetual dependency which is all left wing welfare policies are ever going to achieve.
  11. Yes and he changed his mind and put it through. Here we have a PM willing to listen to and act upon alternative viewpoints. Personally I find it amazing that they've managed to cut spending while reducing the tax burden on millions and grow the economy while creating an unprecedented number of jobs. It's incredible how well this government has done.
  12. Remind me what point you wanted me to address and I will.
  13. Because the statistics on average wage don't break down into salary bands, otherwise I'd love to.
  14. You're going to pretend you missed the whole Rotherham debacle?
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