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Everything posted by celeryBADboy

  1. 612 second try 3rd try 704 its bloody hard Mark CD are you able to get that score again
  2. Appearent;ly i could read war and peace in 15 hours <p style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/marketing/technology-research-centers/ereaders/speed-reader/index.html"><img src="http://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/marketing/technology-research-centers/ereaders/images/static-ereader.png" alt="ereader test" title="Click to launch" width="230" height="300" /></a><br />Source: <a href="http://www.staples.com/E-readers/cat_CL164364">Staples eReader Department</a></p> i did 615 not to bad
  3. I dont know about football buisnesses ive way the money was guarenteed to get to them and they refused to sign
  4. What else would in my experience mean? Im not talking anymore about it.
  5. Anyways im not talking about the but from a buisness account International transfers from my experience and this is thousands not million never took hours always days or weeks. The proof of transaction however is instant.
  6. Ive sent thousands to other countries and cashed thousand in cheques, my life with the gypsies first time round.
  7. International transactions take days sometimes weeks i know that as ive done them.
  8. Even still a transfer of such money would probably take more than two hours too transfer, We have eveidence we sent it but they still may not of recieved is the fact is once we had the reciept of transaction that club should of signed the papers. And they didnt.
  9. It was obviously a demand, He wasnt having it no matter what my guess is we did it to force his hand but it backfired. If they have 15 million of the clubs money you can bet your arse this club is working quietly over it to get it back or force the transfer.
  10. We couldn't till there owner had signed. Why did teams drop out probably because he seems a man of his word and wanted LFC and had agreed. Laws have been broken and i think something will be done.
  11. Dont talk to me with that tone i read it up some time ago. Also the rest i have said is common sense so dont treat me like some fucking idiot.
  12. Ignore that was fabricated by some lfc fan group James Pearce replied with this All I said is any legal action would have to come from player, not LFC. No indication he will go down that route
  13. What i have said looks to be Happening Echo reporting Kono to take legal action. On hearing this surely our club will provide proof etc and enquire to allow the transfer to happen
  14. Adriano is free hes still only 29, How does he not have a club?? Also Rat would be better than what we currently have in his position.
  15. I havent once disagreed that to activate a clause you have to pay the full amount
  16. http://www.thefa.com/~/media/files/thefaportal/governance-docs/registrations/fa-rule-c---relating-to-players-2013-14.ashx
  17. Take Cavani for instance well known his release clause was 54 million euros, Why did PSG pay 64 million euros?? Its simple Napoli would except 10 more for instalments PSG were not willing to pay 54m upfront
  18. What i read about release clause was a full amount had to be paid upfront in order to activate. It was some thing on Marca.
  19. Then why is James Pearce saying Kono may be able to seek legal advice?
  20. It was attempts to unsettle him and obviously did
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