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Posts posted by Bjornebye

  1. Just now, Gnasher said:


    Good post, especially the last paragraph but increasing VAT would be disastrous for low income families and would almost certainly stunt growth in the economy. It's a regressive tax. Taxing those with the broadest shoulders is the obvious solution. It could raise billions at a stroke. 

    A start would be recouping the billions stolen in the PPI scandal. Fucking Mone and he slippery husband on a yacht somewhere lapping life up without a fuck given apart from when she wants to play victim 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

    That breakfast club policy is a good one. But, isn’t it only available to primary school pupils? Wouldn’t the lifting of the two child benefit cap benefit primary school children and those in senior school? 

    Personally, I think that Labour have tied their hands behind their back when pledging not to increase personal taxes like income tax, NI and VAT. Polling has shown that a decent percentage of the public aren’t against/welcome tax increases to improve public services.


    There’s also the “Proud To Pay More” letter and surveying which indicates that a high proportion of G20 based millionaires would back a wealth tax  to help address the cost of living crisis and to improve public services. 

    A Labour government, or any government for that matter, could do so much more if they made relatively minor increases to personal tax rates and introduced wealth taxes, instead of gambling on the non-certainty of increased economic growth. 

    Well that last fella who proposed wealth taxes anti help combat poverty and homelessness got hounded out ….. it’s anyone’s guess why…..


    Labour have dropped a bollock here. And how the fuck they can justify suspending 4 MPs for voting for a removal of a benefits cap for children. That just makes it ten times worse. 

    Im just waiting for a someone to post that people shouldn’t have kids if they can’t afford them. Then we will have started the switch to a GB news forum 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

    Technically, it does.  It would help something like 1.1 million children, but there are 250,000 who would cross the line of the official definition of poverty.

    For many parents an extra 16 quid would be amazing. This place never ceases to amaze me. 

    • Upvote 3
  4. Not sure where to put this but this thread was on the front page. A solider has been stabbed near Chatham barracks. Look at the difference in reporting. DMs first concern is to whip up hatred. It might well just be a domestic incident and fuck all to do with terror. 



  5. 41 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

    A few murmurs that the Labour whips are threatening to withdraw the whip from any

    Labour MP that votes for the amendment calling for the abolition of the two-child benefit cap. It’s uncertain if an abstention would result in the same punishment. 

    Not sure if this is true. Surely not from “country before party” Starmer? 


  6. 13 minutes ago, Pidge said:

    I don't know if if call it an eyesore exactly, but yeah. For all the moaning about the main stand, it really does stick out, not just with the area, but with the walls and everything that they've retained from the old dock. 


    Looks better from the river, I bet. But who's seeing that? Outside of the odd helicopter shot?


    Edit: looking at it more I think I dislike the cladding more than the dome top. 


    I went past it on the river last month. Looks ok 





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  7. 2 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

    Missed the start what did the clueless fucker say ? 


    Prattling on about there no longer being a deterrent for asylum seekers since Labour got into power, the tories were successful in halting immigration blah blah blah 

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