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Posts posted by Bjornebye

  1. 1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

    I've met her. She's got the politics of John McDonnell and the face of Carey Mulligan (which is surely better than the other way round).

    What did she smell like? 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Kevin D said:

    Don’t think he can have any complaints, in fairness. 

    I also suspect that “lured” here really means abducted, but they’re not exactly going to say that.

    I hope he hasn’t left any close family in Mexico 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Bob said:

    I'm knackered mate. So very fucking tired. That's an apt gif you've included.


    Up at 4 wednesday to get some ladt work done. Picked my girl up from her mums then started getting the car packed.


    Set off from home at 12:30 got into our hotel at Dover at midnight due to being diverted through London and the Blackwall tunnel with the Dartford crossing closed.


    That included and hours total fucking about going into Doncaster to withdraw cash and euros when we realised my girl hadn't put my bank card back in my wallet after nipping to get us lunch before we left!! I'm confident I'll be able to pay with my phone but needed some back up money for peace of mind.


    Roads in france are ace. Basically no traffic at all from calais until about 20km outside Paris. 


    Campsite is nice. Very welcome rain arrived to cool us just after getting the tent up.


    Darren from Sunderland over the way gave me an ice cold can of kronenboug while we toiled in the sun and I'll never forget that beer. 


    Pizza last night was good.


    Dutch everywhere with their prettiness, athletic body shapes and orange. Which is great.


    Still work to do this morning but flags are up.




    Boss that mate 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


    I thought the same. He didn't even disable him. As well as dangerous it was idiotic. The fella could have got himself up and stabbed a couple of coppers to death. It makes you question both the quality of personnel and the training they are receiving. 

    Or maybe he already knew he was no threat so just booted and stamped on his head anyway 

  5. 5 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

    There's just something about a pixellated nose that does it for me.

    I’ve tried pixelated Japanese porn but I just can’t finish. Found a few non pixilated ones and they’ve all got tiny cocks so there’s no chance.  




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