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Everything posted by Sloan

  1. 3 people who were defending their business have been killed by these savages. The 3 men had earlier beaten off the rioters but these scumbags came back and mowed them down in a car. But I guess these rioters are all just misunderstood, disaffected youngsters, right? Let's pity them and blame ourselves for failing these murderers. In fact, a couple of people in this very thread are probably making their way to Birmingham to offer consolation - to the hit-and-run driver.
  2. It's not racist to point out that the majority of the London rioters are black. Nor is it racist to point out that the rioting was started by predominately black youths in Tottenham. But you will still get pilloried for mentioning it.
  3. Whatever. You know what I say makes sense. Even if it is a little extreme, it will put a stop to this problem right away.
  4. No it wouldn't. If these yobs are threatened with a bullet to the head, do you think they will seek a confrontation with the people doing the shooting? Of course not. They will run and hide for their lives. Do not confuse these rats with the revolutionaries around the world who were willing to die for a just cause. These little shits are just out there to loot and torch buildings, they have no interest in risking their lives for such petty gain.
  5. These kids that are rampaging throughout the country are the generation of the 13 years of Labour rule. The Tories have simply inherited a problem developed by Labour. I know the Tories aren't popular here but let's not blind ourselves to the facts.
  6. Where are those coppers that killed this Duggen fellow? They should be out there taking out the looters, not hiding away. Believe me, if the police employ a shoot-to-kill policy, the rioters/looters will disappear very, very quickly.
  7. Police are still doing fuck all. Yobs are standing almost face to face and throwing things at them but the police do nothing. No wonder the vermin are so emboldened, the authorities won't do anything to stop them.
  8. Please stop trying to justify this madness. These are simply criminal scumbags and excuses shouldn't be made for them.
  9. These people make me despair. Just heard some stupid slags on the news talking about how they are "showing the police and rich people" that they can do what they want. These types of people will never understand reason. With that sort of mentality that enables them to believe they are impervious to the law and that they can rampage with impunity is exactly why I think the police should be battering them. Violence is the only language they understand. And when they realise that they can't beat their adversary, they will give up and go home. But right now they know they are stronger than their enemy, which is why they have the upper hand. Go in hard, fire tear gas, shoot them with rubber bullets, smash them with batons etc. and they will soon learn and surrender.
  10. Theresa May should be sacked, the useless fucking bint. All her talk recently has been the talk of a coward. This is not a home secretary that is going to bring the situation under control.
  11. Yes it will. History is a testament to this. Pacifism is not going to stop this.
  12. I'm not saying we shouldn't prepare for future problems. My point is that the priority should be stopping the violence that is happening now, at this very moment. Discussing how to avoid things like this when they are already in motion is totally pointless at the present time.
  13. Like Whelan, you seem to be a little slow on the uptake. The question is how to stop the riots NOW. Why speculate on how it could have been prevented? Such speculation is not going to resolve the current situation.
  14. I'm going to be as polite as I possibly can - your suggestions for 'stopping' the riots are a joke and will never work. And deep down you know it too. Giving an amnesty to these people, talk about rewarding criminals...
  15. Um, it's a little late for that, isn't it? The riots are in full swing. The priority must be how to stop them. Not to speculate how they could have been avoided in the first place. So, since the riots are now a reality, taking place night after night, do you have any suggestions how to put a stop to them?
  16. No, that can wait until the riots have been stopped. Use force to crush the criminals first, then we can worry about how these 'inherently good people' turned into baddies.
  17. A lame retort with absolutely no idea of how to stop the riots. You are as useless as you are clueless.
  18. There's something disturbing about people like you who want to have a go at people like me for simply wanting to bring some order to all this chaos. Why do you oppose this? Why should these troublemakers be free to run riot? Why do you sympathise with them and not the innocents caught up in this? People like you are dangerous, and it's people like you that are running this country. And that's why we are in such a fucking state, especially in London. Your conscience and do-goody liberal attitude to this chaos is not going to stop businesses from being looted, innocent people being terrorised, or buildings being burnt to the ground. My proposals will.
  19. It's fucking demoralising. The police should be allowed to bring the situation under control using any justifiable means. And I dare say battering some of these cunts with batons is more than a tad justified. To allow these scumbags to run riot with impunity, while the police just watch... it's fucking sickening. The government should order the police to crackdown hard on these criminals. Although whether the police are even capable after decades of developing a softly softly approach, I don't know.
  20. The striking thing about yesterday was the way the criminals were easily able to run from the cops. The riot cops are kitted out in heavy armour and can't chase these teenagers in trainers. It was embarrassing. Just give the police guns to shoot them down instead. Plastic rounds or live, who gives a shit. Just get these scumbags off our streets. Nobody will miss them.
  21. Imposing a curfew in a giant city like London is not easy. But the army does need to be brought in now, the police cannot maintain control alone.
  22. As you can tell by my rep, I don't give a fuck what people here think about me. I'm more concerned by the city that is burning tonight, set upon by savages who for some inexplicable reason, are receiving a measure of sympathy from some people in this thread.
  23. London hasn't seen such destruction since WW2. Shocking how London's own has done this to their own city. My contempt for the culprits is hard to put into words.
  24. No chance. You keep apologising for these scumbags and I'll keep on putting you straight.
  25. Pretentious bollocks. Pray tell, oh wise old sage, why are these people looting stores, burning down buildings and destroying lives and livelihoods? Is there a profound reason behind all this? Is this a 'revolution' of the underclass? Or is it a bunch of lazy tossers who have never worked a day in their lives yet want things they can't afford? Hence the looting?
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