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Everything posted by bob32

  1. If it is such a wee shop and you have never had anything stolen before you should have no problem checking to see if anything is missing from you stock. Worse wind up ever IMHO.
  2. All the more reason to out them if they are stealing from you, chances are they are doing all over the place. Still not sure why skin colour matters, maybe next time if you watch what the daughters hands are doing instead of staring at her tits you won't get ripped off. Sound more like your in the dark ages rather than a wee shop, if you don't mind me saying.
  3. What difference does the colour of their skin matter ? If they are stealing from you it needs nipping in the bud. No brainer really if word gets around your a soft touch you will soon be out of business.
  4. Very sad, waste of a life whatever it was about RIP.
  5. http://www.philex.com/assets/downloads/products/2.pdf
  6. The horrible pair of shits are now backtracking Jennifer Petkov told FOX 2's Ronnie Dahl Friday night that she never really meant any ill wishes towards Kathleen Edward or her family. Scott and Jennifer Petkov even went so far as to display a lighted candle on their porch at the same time dozens of strangers were gathering across the street in front of Kathleen's home. "If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't do it," Jennifer Petkov told Ronnie Dahl. "And to that little girl, I apologize if you've been hurt. There's not much more I can say. And hopefully we can live our lives peacefully from now on." Scott Petkov also said he was sorry earlier Friday. "We apologize for our actions and stupidity. It was an ignorant thing that we did and it was basically in retaliation about things that were said about my house and my wife." Trenton Woman Who Taunted Dying Girl Now Offers Apology
  7. All depends on your ambition. I did 12 years in hotels in Bucks all top quality hotels, but it is hard graft for very few thank yous. You will spend your time off getting pissed as your to fucked to anything else. You strike me as a young lad, get yourself of to Butlins or Pontins for a few seasons. Less graft and birds on tap. You will still get pissed on your time of and end up in the clap clinic, but at least fun will be had.
  8. It is what it is Redders, i am not a spokesman for any of them. I was just trying to give some insight to the background of some of the forummers. The side issue: I am a fan of football in general x
  9. Not much more i can say to validate my reasons for joining up to be honest.
  10. OK, will address this. Mate i can't speak for anyone on Mingeford only what i saw and know. The guy that was on here as Bleuwine or Pope is a a well known forummer/wum known as Ironbar he was never a Mingeman. It's a fact that most football forums would not home him. Minge and Ironbar have history from way back, Ironbar was never welcome on Mingeford. The guy that started posting links on Mingeford and The Nomad Forum was a banned Mingeford poster well known as Poshboy. Poshboy was also the guy that was posting the disgusting photos on both Mingefords and the Nomads using an alt. The fact that some Mingemen joined is inexsucable and i don't wish to defend them or any other threads about Liverpool. Me, well judge me as you find me, but don't judge me for the sins of others x some links you may find helpful NWS Ironbar Ironbar - Wiki365 Mingeford Mingeford Wanksbury - Wiki365 Poshboy Posh Boy - Wiki365
  11. Yes why else would i be looking for validation on a internet forum.
  12. Oh indeed i see Blackadder, i thought you were calling me a crossdresser for a sec... Which would have been fair i just shit a brick trying to figure out how you sussed me so quick !
  13. Helo mate, sorry you feel that way, like i have said none of that was to do with me. The reason i started this thread was so i could forum in peace without any comebacks. Tis is not some sort of merk i am what i am. If i'm not wanted guys let me know i will get off no hard feelings x
  14. Sounds like a bargain when you put it like that, i will give it a week see how i settle in and then may give it a go.
  15. Like i say i come in peace. Whatever others did or did not do i was not party to any of it. I like forumming and a banter, some folk have adgenda issues on the internet. You have my word i don't approve of some of the shit that went on. I am fully aware of everything that went on recently and found it all very distasteful. Lets us not drag other issues into my nice thread x
  16. I did answer this, indeed yes beans with ketchup on a fry up and if there is any proper Irish white pudding going lets have it.
  17. Neither nor i am afraid Redders, more of a Bunnymenz Smiths era type bloke.
  18. Nice to e-meet you. A question if you don't mind ? This season ticket thing, I pay someone on the internet called "Dave" monies through Paypal so he gets all my personal details and i get superpowers yes ?
  19. The thread started going down hill with the first asl to be fair. Hello back.
  20. Right then curtain twitcher asl and relationship stati please ?
  21. Oh yes sorry i have permature keyboard syndrome tonight. Beans indeed and tommy sauce always tommy sauce.
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