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Everything posted by kemmyroad

  1. 1986 double cup final against the blues, I was 14 and the only kid in school with a ticket. Never told mum & dad I was going on my own or else they'd never have let me. Day of my life watching Rushie score 2 as Molby ran the second half. Can't wait for Saturday, going on my own again, this time without a ticket but will be another epic day
  2. Whoaaa, peace fellas. Jeez I had 20odd years travelling watching the reds ankle deep in police horse shit before having to give up a cherished season ticket through work and family commitments, but hey that's my choice. I still go when I can and have exhausted all other possibles for tickets so I figured nothing ventured nothing gained! No intention to jump queues or piss people off, we're all reds after all. Going down anyway for the day
  3. Probably no point in asking but what the hell. If there's anyone who can sort me out with a final ticket - pretty please - that'd be just peachy. After 35 years of following LFC the touts are still having a field day. I'm thoroughly depressed. So I've got a pass out from the missus and kids for a day, booked myself on the Megabus from York and will be going with or without a ticket. Help me - please. That is all.
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