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Posts posted by ZonkoVille77

  1. Seriously. Fucking seriously.

    This prick is making me want to stop watching footy until he retires.


    I've never seen such a lackadaisical, brainless, cock sure, crustacean like footballer in my life. He is the epitome of the modern footballer and modern sports in general. He offers nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'd have that cunt Louis Spence play instead of him.


    If BR plays him for the rest of the season he's lost my support completely.


    Btw I'm not blaming him on tonight's result. I've just got to the end of my wick with this absolute cunt.

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  2. haven/t been thinking about anything much mate...I'm too zonked on MS Contin. I think this is the stage where I I start to lose it. I've seen a couple of others go the same way. Their medication seems to be increased at the same time.


    Bob died yesterday. It was quiet and peaceful I can only hope for the same.




    Your spirit is incredible. You've been so strong up until now and you're a massive inspiration for a lot of people you've never met.

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