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Posts posted by x442

  1. If it isn't you why are you getting so upset about it? Anyway, any sign of that solicitor's letter/e-mail address yet.


    I'm not getting upset. At first I found it funny that you were all getting wet over the thought you had tracked me down, when you hadn't. But now I see that you are planning to make contact with the bloke you think is me via his Facebook or via people at his university, I thought I'd come on to tell you that you are barking up the wrong tree, afterall, I don't want to see an innocent bloke get any hassle because of me.


    And my solicitor comment was in jest.

  2. Top notch stuff from the TLW.


    It's getting like The Bourne Identity in here now.


    No it isn't.


    You've failed miserably to track me down. I've already explained in the other thread that it is impossible to track an exact, or even an approx, location from an IP address. Only the ISPs themselves have that information.


    Theb loke you have found is not me, if it makes you feel big to pretend that it is and hurl abuse is way, them go ahead.


    For the record, I'm not even on Facebook.


    Sorry to piss on your bonfire, but if I had been 'owned', I wouldn't be back here making it worse for myself.


    PhilDurham88@gmail.com is an email address I mae up for the purpose of Wumming. I would not use my real name.


    So so far, you have a fake name, and a town that isn't even close to where I live. Good look trying to track me down with that.

  3. if that was not your IP do you think threatening legal action was a bit stupid, obesity isnt a crime but being a stupid bellend is, and to think you do the same on the chelsea site as well, what is up, have you not got a life at all, and need to get your kicks with a mouse, and some tissues!


    Seriously pal you need to be detained under the mental health act , because not only are you a thick manc loving twat from Ashbourne but you must be some depressed and immature masochistic sick cunt to think this is fun for you!


    If you were any good as a troll they would have banned you by now, but we keep you for comedy value only!


    Finally some of the people on your FB I taught in Nottingham over the last decade, so hey will be getting in touch later with copies of your emails, to see if they can clear up who you are pal.


    Not so clever now fool are you?


    Are you thick?


    I've already said that the person you've 'tracked down' is not me. Nottingham? I've never even been there.


    None of you understand how IPs work. You can't simply perform a Whois search to find the location of one. The location on a whois search (or any other similar searches) display the location of where the ISP server has handed out the IP. Try it yourself, if you don't believe me. Use What Is My IP Address? - IP Address Lookup, Internet Speed Test, IP Info, plus more to check your IP address, and then perform a location search, I guarentee you that your home town won't come up.


    So on what basis have you possibly concluded the bloke you have found is me?


    I am not from Derbeyshire o Nottingham, and my name is not even Phil Durham.


    Nice try, though.

  4. I expected better, lads. I really did.


    So far, you've not only failed to track down the city I live in, but you've spectacularly managed to mess up by identifying the wrong person, convincing yourselves that it is me claiming that I've been owned. In actual fact, you've all been owned. By me. The greatest poster this forum has ever (and ever will) seen.


    It's been a pleasure.


    And I bet you expected me to make a Hillsborough or murderer jibe along the way? Well, I haven't, because I'm too classy. So I guess that makes me a wonderful human being as well.

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