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Posts posted by RedBrian84

  1. She's lovely, you know just by gazing into her beautiful eyes that she definitely gives a top top nosh.




    A top nosh while she's looking right up at you with said beautiful eyes.


    And that arse of hers is pretty superb as well. Lucky boy there, was Rourke.

  2. Loved it


    Understood about 3/4 of what Bane was saying, still an immensely satisfying villain anyway


    Should have ended on Alfred's smiling face imo


    Will decide if it's slighty better, not quite as good or on a par with The Dark Knight after a few more watches.





    Oh yes, and i liked the Superman trailer.



    Never been a massive fan of Superman (I much prefer darker heroes like Batman, a little closer to the criminal underworld he's fighting against) but I loved the use of the awesome soundtrack from Fellowship of the Ring in this trailer.


    Also, good mention of Murphy in his cameo; he's a great actor and deserves a lot of credit for making Scarecrow his own.

  3. Belting film. Have recovered from getting my senses battered by that brilliant Zimmer score and a shitload of ace sound effects enough to write about it.


    Criticisms: Not enough toe-to-toe fisticuffs between Batman and Bane. Not enough of Hatahway's arse.



    Praise: Everything else.





    Caine, Freeman and Oldman bring their class to bear in a big way for me. Caine especially; I like the way Nolan has dealt with the relationship between Wayne and Alfred. In the DK he hinted at a past arse-kicking life (in Burma) but here he was a fragile old man who was worried that he had let down the Wayne family. His "goodbye" to Wayne was brilliant, I had a tear in my eye.


    Being a lover of the Burton films when I was younger, i wondered how Hathaway would follow Pfiefer; the latter was sexy as fuck in Returns and she was suitably deranged (in that camp way that Burton specialised in). Being Nolan though we all knew he'd be dialling back the crazy. I thought she was excellent. And fully believable too. Those heels looked fucking dangerous.


    Hardy had a rough deal I felt; firstly having to deal with following Ledger's awesome turn, and secondly with the mask. The second problem was fairly well dealt with but despite his ferocious strength and brutality (and intelligence) he couldn't match Ledger for me. Hardy is a great actor though and he was really good here, but the Joker had you scared about him when he was off screen, never mind on it.


    Gordon-Levitt was good too, on a side note.


    Bale for me is the definitive Batman. Not one of those who have gone before him have been any better. And because of that (and the brilliance of Nolan's adaptation), this hero will never be rebooted.


    On the whole the film was boss. The stadium collapse was a superb bit of filming (as was the plane heist and the Bat flying away from the missiles through Gotham) and the acting was brilliant, as was the script and the plot on the whole. Although there were a number of moments that stretched reality to almost breaking point, I managed to remember the source material of the film and quite happily suspended my disbelief so that I never wondered too hard about how in fucks name Batman got away from a nuke with a six-mile blast radius, or how Batman managed to make it back into Gotham as Wayne when there was a national emergency with 12 million hostages and a nuclear weapon.


    I have to echo a few people's thoughts on the prison scene; I felt that something like this needed more time and more depth to it to get across just how sinister and hopeless the place was. Something similar occurred in the Dark Knight with the rather hurried way they showed Two-Face; we got a lot of Good Dent throughout the film but a blink-and-you'll-miss-it look at Bad Dent. Here, we got a lot of hints as to just how brutal this hellhole was, and yet Wayne was out of it fairly pronto.


    But on the whole though, a stunning end to one of the best film trilogies of all time. And, unusally, it manages to do what a lot of trilogies don't - end well.

  4. Divvies who talk loudly during films at the cinema. Shut the fuck up.


    People who don't thank you when you let them into your lane in front of you when you're driving. I may have said this before but it happened to me twice before and I'm seriously wound up about it still.


    Advertising and the Olympics. A match made in cynical, extortionate, grasping hell.


    Jeremy Hunt. Please just fuck off you worthless piece of shit.

  5. I was down the Fly in the Loaf on Hardman Street for a little bit Saturday night watching our match on the box and they've got Brooklyn Beer on draught. Very nice indeed. Went down a treat.




    Yes. Beautiful stuff that.

  6. Innis and Gunn is fucking tremendous.


    Blue Moon is also quite lovely, three bottles for a fiver in Tesco at the minute.



    If you happen to be in New York at all, and you stumble across a Heartland Brewery (there's three in Manhattan I think, and one of them is right near the Rockefeller) then try a Cornhuskers. Absolutely beautiful and, like Blue Moon, proves the Yanks can knock together a cracking ale instead of all that Budweiser shite.

  7. I've no love of the police but I trust the jury system and beyond reasonable doubt is a strict verdict. Very difficult to get home on when there was conflicting evidence about the bleed. They'd have got home on a lesser assault charge - probably up to ABH.


    People confuse not guilty verdicts with innocence. A jury may not believe that he used reasonable force, but that doesn't mean that they can conclude beyond reasonable doubt that the force used caused the bleed.


    From the tone of the Met interview I think they'll certainly fuck him off as soon as possible. It will be taking the loss if he keeps his pension because he's clearly a thug with a warrant card. Hopefully he's destitute after the civil case as well.


    I think at some point he'll be back in a criminal court as he clearly likes using his fists and has no self-control.



    Agree with this.


    Firstly, just want to be a little pedantic and point out that he was only being tried for this particular offence, not his previous offences. That is how the system is supposed to work - anything revealed about the defendent beforehand can influence the jury.


    I was on a murder trial in my jury service a while back and the defendent got not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter. I was appalled when I heard his previous crimes (some of them vicious as fuck) as they were read out after the jury returned its verdict, and a tiny bit of me, for a split second, resented the decision we'd made. But then again, he wasn't on trial for those previous crimes, the same as this dickhead copper.


    But the jury have made their minds up, as unfortunate as it may be from us on the outside of it all.

  9. Had our dog put down just before Christmas. heart breaking stuff. She was a cracking pet and part of the family. Wonderful temprament and so nice-natured.


    It's those little things like what a few have mentioned like going downstairs and half expecting them to be in their usual place, be it their blanket or their basket, that get you. We had a little footstool that she used to sit on and stare out of the window for hours and then try to get on the windowsill (I swear she thought she was a cat). We had to get rid of it within days of her being put down; it was just too heart wrenching seeing it empty.


    Totally sympathise with anyone in this situation.

  10. Another big loss to the music world this.


    He died of pancreatic cancer this morning apparently, aged 71.


    Had the pleasure of seeing him perform with Deep Purple at the Empire a few years back, then I met him afterwards with the other band members having a pint in the pub behind the theatre.


    Excellent musician, one of my all time favourites. Sad loss.

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