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Posts posted by cochcaer

  1. On the current storyline, the whole River/Doctor your first/my last arc has been just mindboggling. If you actually start to think about it you'll confuse yourself, something I've done since last weeks at least twice.


    The lack of a resolution annoys me. I don't even know who in a spacesuit 'killed' Smith in ep1. I suppose it comes down to taste but I'm getting fatigued by the ambiguous endings. Tbh I also find Rory's transition from average Joe to Russell Crowe sword-wielding gladiator a bit fanciful.

  2. Stand alones? Certainly not this season as much as many previous seasons.


    Yep, the 'Pirate' story was especially weak and looked cheap. Think Tennant got stronger stories til it went sillier. Blink, Girl in the Fireplace, Family of Blood, Silence in the Library, Midnight etc I find more memorable than any served by Smith.

  3. Gone very deux ex machina and many of the eps are singularly weak. RTD had subtle running themes like Bad Wolf but Moffs 'crack in the wall' and River/Amy/Rory bollix is boring me. It's more like Enid Blyton... Four Go Mad in...


    Rather watch All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

  4. I kind of Pitied him because I can't imagine any normal (and I use that term in comparison to the thick, pond life scum who he filmed abusing) seeing that and not wanting to intervene.


    I'd imagine it's the same moral quandary documentary makers have faced from the liberation of concentration camps to countless natural disasters, do you help out or hope your film has a greater resonance. I'm sure the guy thought of quitting but the lesser material he had the easier it would have been swept under the carpet as 'one bad apple'.

  5. I've got it too but found it pleasant enough but that it never sparks into life. A lot reminds me of Cornerstone and just gently washes over you as a Travis track did.


    Enjoyed some of the shimmering tracks like Hellcat and You're Wrong.

  6. It's mad that they're getting all the blame though but nobody is mentioning these are actually Tory policies. There seems to be more bad feeling around for them than for the conservatives, when it is in fact all their doing - crazy really.


    Tories doing what tories do must measure 0000.1% on the shockometer. The Lib influence on the coalition hasn't been the big policies but stuff like the environment and electoral reform - aka the things most people aren't arsed about. Had people seen Clegg as a restraint on ideological Conservatives then his party would have probably done better at the polls.

  7. Moving back to the nuke issue where is your evidence that we require the codes from the US to operate Trident? Gordon Brown himself said (according to the BBC) the Uk does not require the permission, the satellites or the codes of any other country (ie the United States).

    The 'veto' is said to be in the software of the system - much of which is classified and coded in the US. They'd be mad to relinquish total control as it'd be a weapon that could target them - it can't.

  8. Yes she fucked us and she fucked the working man hard. My Grandad and my dad were both ruined by her. But do you know what, she had a fucking mandate. She won elections. Again and again.


    Nothing to do with post-Falklands jingoism giving her a big save in 83.


    I should celebrate her passing but that'd drag me down to her level. She did so much damage to the fabric of the country.

  9. I vote Labour these days simply because they're less cunty than the Tories, and that's a pretty tragic reason to vote for anyone really.


    Which is how many now view politicians, whoever you vote for they'll renegue on promises and lie through their teeth about taxes. If the coalition is a taste of PR then there's no real change - they just call their broken promises 'compromise'.

  10. 35% vote yes for AV and it's not enough for a majority. Tories get 35% in the General Election and that's enough or a 5 year mandate.


    That shit ain't right.


    Time to bring back hanging then...


  11. Personally think the Libs are full of crap and don't swallow this noble doing it for 'the good of the country' line. The big concession they wanted and wouldn't budge on wasn't something to protect services or the poor... it was AV. Pure self-interest and nothing to do with (yawn) the financial mess left by Labour.

  12. It's more like the time the X-Men teamed up with the Brotherhood of Mutants to fight the super-mutant Apocalypse, except in this version, the citizens tip Professor X out of his chair and kick him to death.


    Conservativehome dubs you 'dishonest'. As I've no idea about X-Men I'll go with their explanation.

  13. Miliband will never be Prime Minister while he's got a hole in his arse. You can take that to the bank.


    True, he doesn't have the presence of a leader and can't connect with the electorate. Those who voted Tory last time knew what they were voting for so this has mostly been a protest by those who feel shafted by teh Libs. A very deluded party who think any economic upturn will benefit them - it won't, the Tories will get the credit. A grasp for power has sent Clegg's party back to the 90s and 'trust' can take a long time to re-establish.

  14. You can't straight-faced say to me that the current voting system has been successful.

    We're always choosing between Tory and Labour as to which party offends us the least. That's not what voting should be about.


    Give Clegg a kicking may influence many peoples vote. If he can compromise then so can I.

  15. For me Turners a modern day Paul Weller circa the Jam, he writes about British life in a way no one else does.


    The Monkeys are alright


    Never in a month of Sundays. The new track treads a path similar to the Verve pre-Urban Hymns but without the boom and reverb.


    What made the AM great is that they were quite raw and stripped down but now look and sound like a load of other bands. Next'll be the U2 stage...

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