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Everything posted by TownHead

  1. Book profit is meaningless really. Follow the money, see where the money is coming from, where it is going to. You can get caught up as its like an intricate spiders web but it's not as simple as profit or loss.
  2. No problem. I will conduct my own research. I am giving this place a week or so trial before I decide whether to join up. Will donate at the end of the trial or join up.
  3. The fit and proper person test the FA put prospective buyers of football clubs through is a joke. So many have made money dubiously and regardless of that are using the clubs as cash cows. No interest whatsoever in success. At the start of the 13/14 season, all but 2 or 3 clubs in the championship were either owned (fully or part) by bookmakers or at least sponsored by bookmakers....and of course the whole football league is sponsored by a bookmaker. At best it's a conflict of interest which should immediately rule them out as owners.
  4. Can you provide some figures on expenditure and income since they bought the club to back this up?
  5. If people sit down and do some simple maths they will find that fsg don't actually spend much money if at all. Initial outlay aside, the brand more than pays for itself.
  6. For the record, Stevie Nicks Fleetwood Mac is perfect for people who dont really like music. The equivalent of Ed Sheeran for all you younger members out there.
  7. Finally, someone operating on my banter levels. Epic mate.
  8. Only a bit of banter mate, someone pointed out Code was a Norwegian who called everyone wools.... so I Google translated. That's the level of banter you guys are dealing with here. If its not welcome let me know and I will leave.
  9. Always dull until the BounceBrigade turn up. B-b, B-b Bounce?
  10. Jeg er redd du er langt unna merket gutta.
  11. Lets all lay our postcodes on the table eh? L1 for your man here
  12. Is this shit supposed to be funny?
  13. I know nothing of this Code that you speak. TownHead is my username as I live in Town (what people from Liverpool refer to the City Centre as)...unlike 99.9 % of you wools on here
  14. Who is this Code of whom you speak?
  15. Are the questions cryptic? Red Phoenix answered your question..... he/she supposes it to be funny. Scudger. A squirrel. A thieving get. A sneaky person/animal who nicks something from right under your nose.
  16. Bored is a useless thing to be. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so dont get bored.
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